No, I won't kill myself because you demand I shut-up...SMDH!
I was told to kill myself today, just a few hours ago... Accompanied with a picture of a gun. This was done by a BLACK Woman... Yes, a BLACK Woman, to me... Yes me! I also happen to be a BLACK Woman; trippy right? Now take note, she did not say this to me in a way that slang has evolved with this phrase (which I don't like)-- You know, when someone is angry with you, and want to end an exchange... Nah, it wasn't that... This was said in a way that is literal and purposeful. How did it even get to such an extreme place so fast? I dunno, it was just out the blue, really. You see, I constructed a series of tweets this morning about how I see the connection between Hillary, Loretta Lynch & Obama as not being able to be separated from one another...A few hours later...

So, let me just say that I have never wished death or harm to Obama, Hillary, Or Loretta... I call out their bullshit & how they harm us, but I don't ever say or think about it being good if they were to be physically harmed... NOPE! That isn't how my heart is set up... None of them EVER!!!! You can read everything I have ever posted anywhere on social media, and you won't find that even one time, even when angry; I haven't EVER wished harm upon them... NEVER! My heart is right and my hands clean, and I have love for my people...This is why I am not silent about what is harming us... No matter how hard it may be to admit at times.
However, to some soul sick individuals, it's okay for my own people to wish me to kill myself, because his ( Obama's) persona and how he is perceived, matters more to them than the very air that I breathe; I simply do not deserve to live for questioning & calling out the mess going on to my people in Amerikkka, if it involves calling out the ways he (Obama) is at fault. This is her logic, and the logic of those cowards who sent her. She gave herself away today in her words to me... She doesn't even know me, but someone she deals with put her up to this... Someone so cowardly they can't speak to me directly, but sent her, a person who is obviously unstable, to harass me in this way...LMAO
This is the cognitive dissonance I often speak of that has gotten mixed with misplaced loyalty... This BLACK Woman doesn't follow or read bills Obama has signed, his words to disparage BLACK People, ECT... All this person knows is that he is BLACK; therefore her savior... No matter what he does & doesn't do... NO matter if he harms, or degrades; I am not worthy of my life to her, because I speak out what his (Obama's) reality has been, in correlation to our peoples wellbeing.
As a BLACK Woman who spends a lot of time and heart giving to cause & people, things like this really makes me wonder WTF am I even perpetually risking my safety, sanity, heart & soul whispers for? Knee-grows like these are dangerous... She may murder someone one day, just because she has placed a person on an altar they do not belong on... It's just...WOW
Let me make this declaration... I have felt low... I have seen much pain and sadness being involved in freedom work of nuance, but I WOULD NEVER KILL MYSELF. Just know this, as folks want me to stop breathing for speaking truth... My own people who love a lie more than liberation... mmmm... I won't wish her ill, or whoever put her up to it.... I will keep my cool, and allow Karma to do the job she does so very well... I am truly in a state of wonder... I am not afraid of her or them, and I will not be silenced... I am protected. This, however, is something that should be shared publicly... I dunno what the solution is... However, have a great Friday! I certainly intend to rest in the bosom of my Ancestors & TRUTH... Ashe'!
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