Sunday, September 18, 2016

~PART 2~ Ancestral Winds Blow & Reveal: Lies-Coverups-Opportunism-Faux White Allies

I was debating on whether to continue the topics of last week’s blog, or to save all of that heaviness for another week; instead choosing to write about spirituality or sensuality or something else of that nature. I did want to kind of take a break from last weeks topic(s), but I left so many things undone… Chiefly, my promise to you all that I would elaborate on certain subjects I brought up; this will now be fulfilled. I need to complete my thoughts, and not delay—Get the rest of this truth, and my heart that has been marinating on these matters, into the blogosphere.

This week I have received weird and menacing phone calls… Usually the death threats that  I have encountered, or other types of harassment that has come my way; it has been a mostly online sort of occurrence— Though I have had some real life, face to face experiences at times, with race hatred based harassment… This time, the intimidation came via phone. The fact that it happened after I released last week's blog; this does not seem coincidental to me in the slightest. 

One of the sources of the phone calls, spoofed their phone number to make it look like the calls were coming from a different area then they were in.There are a few different types of people who would/could be upset with me over last weeks blog; wanting me to shut-up. Those people are: Opportunists that have something to hide, white faux allies who’ve been manipulating and harassing, and/or members of BLM… Especially the Kentucky chapter since I called out how they have recently treated police brutality survivor, Antwynette Houston. I do have more information on what’s going on, but I am keeping it to myself.

What I will say is this, I am safe, and I will continue to be so… I am not afraid, and I WILL NOT SHUT-UP! How do I know I’m okay? The CREATOR, the Ancestors are all around me… This energy reassures and comforts me… I am very protected, I am very loved… Y’all better be careful, you’re just alerting karma she needs to visit you swiftly😉

In last week's blog, I told y’all I would tell you more, in a forthcoming post, about why I went from staunch support of the organization Black Lives Matter(BLM), to realizing they were not really about what I thought. The time has come, and what I will be recounting is over 1.5 years worth of information, that I have been patiently quiet about. Please go to last week’s post where I talk about the difference between the org and the many people moving in action since the execution of Mike Brown in Ferguson…How we all came to use the phrase “ Black Lives Matter”—How there are opportunists who only care about themselves and their crew. How there are also genuine people who are doing work, but who don’t realize the underworking’s about us, and that those underworking’s are undermining BLACK Liberation. Yeah, check all that out if you are not familiar before proceeding. If you are already hip, let’s continue…

Something I didn’t mention last week was that I have also lost faith in the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL)…I was uber gung-ho about M4BL until recently. I know some of y’all who are just getting familiar about this current wave of our continued struggle toward BLACK Liberation are like, what the hell? Another name? Another title? Another designation? Yes, I know… But trust,  it ties in easier than you may think. Take a deep breath, and I guarantee it will unfold clearly in your mind.

In July of 2015, in Cleveland Ohio, M4BL had it’s first convening. I almost didn’t go, but I was so glad that I decided to attend at the last minute. The M4BL Convening was a way to bring together every BLACK Person in the movement who could make it … Orgs & individuals working toward BLACK Liberation from all over the country, Europe, South America, and the Caribbean… Yes, people flew in from abroad, and that was also very dope to me. My favorite part of the convening was an intimate talk I was able to engage in, with some of our most revolutionary and beloved radical elders… Individuals who have paid high prices for our people…Those like Pam Africa and Baba Eddie Conway. Also, the convening included former SNCC members, Original Black Panthers, the Ferguson Fam from various orgs or independent freedom fighters… The Young, middle & elder folks from all over the country, active in BLACK Liberation… Healing spaces, and lots of beautiful BLACK Folks walking around, and interacting in an ALL BLACK space. It was 3 days of a much needed insulation from the obtuseness of whiteness, and I loved it… For the most part.

And yes, the org BLM was there, and yes, they were apart of this convening. BLM didn’t take the outward lead, though behind the scenes that was a totally different matter. At the time of the convening, I had no problems with the org BLM… But honestly, some things did happen during that convening that made me start to question BLM, and afterwards more things would unfold to make me totally distrust this org. I thought, at the time, that M4BL was the answer…Like I said, until recently, I have always been very happy about  the idea of unifying in the way that M4BL could potentially foster. However, as with most things in this life, there were intra-communal politics stirring just below the surface.

Now that you understand, from my previous blog(part one)— That I am for us( BLACK People) moving toward BLACK Liberation in these current times, and have been very active in that… Now that you get that there are genuine freedom fighters, faux white allies, and BLACK opportunists… Now that it is apparent that COINTELPRO type tactics are at play right now, stifling our moving and our being… Yes, now that a lot of this has been established in the previous blog, and in this one you are reading right now… Let’s get to why I no longer support the organization(network) of Black Lives Matter(BLM), the entity that has become the Movement for BLACK Lives (M4BL), and how that won’t stop me and others who see what I see… It won’t stop us from moving, being, growing, giving, serving BLACK People, as we move toward our collective and individual freedom, from oppression in every form.

The first reason I no longer support BLM( the org) or M4BL is because as an African-American & Ethiopian Jewess—My BLACK ass does not matter to either entity. I am in a unique position in BLACKNESS; an intersection people seem to want to run away from like the plague. Israel’s horrendous treatment of Palestinians, people in the west not understanding what life is like there, or the history of the land going back further than just 100 years, media miseducation and the ever so present erasure of BLACKNESS in this region… All of these “ingredients” mix to form a very disagreeable gumbo… Many BLACK People here in Amerikkka eat big bowls of it, and the sick feeling they get from it, makes them want to forget they ever tasted it. Basically, many BLACK People in Amerikkka decide to throw away this issue; deciding to overlook how BLACK Lives are treated in this land of Israel/Palestine, in order to be able to concentrate on Palestinian Solidarity from their limited perspective.

Many simply want to support Palestinians without addressing the systematic racism Black People face from racist Ashkenazim (white jews) on the Israeli side, nor do they want to address the anti-Blackness that non-BLACK Palestinians subject BLACK People (Palestinians, Jews, Christians, Black Bedouins, and other BLACK groups) to on the Palestinian side… BLACK People from Amerikkka have been making so many trips to the region recently, without helping BLACK Lives; this is deplorable!

 Listen, I have tried to raise the alarm, but no one has wanted to go too deep, or get involved in a sincere way. I have always tried to educate about this subject, since I have lived in Israel, and have faced the racism and anti-Blackness firsthand. Like I said, it isn't the “popular” thing for people in the west to engage in, which is why many refuse… It’s such a misguided taboo.

I wrote a post, on a blog that I am no longer active on, in February of 2015 on this very subject… Check it out here! In this particular blog entry, I elaborate on the racism, and the anti-BLACKNESS I have faced in Israel/Palestine… A lot of people ended up reading this particular post; it was even plagiarized in parts by some online news outlets. People would tell me it was eye-opening, but would go back to continuing the erasure of BLACK Lives in this region. I understand that as the People in Ferguson rose up to fight the system, there were Palestinians tweeting us on how to ease the effects of being gassed, and that is understandably why so many feel linked and obliged to solidarity efforts with them—I was in Ferguson in the early days, and I have been gassed( CS) several times. And though I do want the best for Palestinians, and acknowledge Israel has not done right by them… I also know that anti-Blackness is huge in their community, and I do not feel BLACK People should sacrifice the BLACKNESS and the oppression thereof, of those BLACK People in the Palestinian Community, by not seeking these said BLACK People out, and demanding they be centralized in Palestinian struggle, as a condition of our solidarity with them. After all, doesn’t everyone always say that the most oppressed should be centered in freedom work?

I know for a fact that the various BLACK Peoples in the Palestinian Community are ostracized, and many are so use to it; they don’t even have the fight in them to demand better…It’s just accepted, this mistreatment, and that is very sad. Folks try to talk around this issue by saying they(Black Palestinians) face problems solely because of Zionists, which isn’t true… Everyone non-white faces issues from racist Ashkenazim(white jews), but BLACK People face the harshness of anti-BLACKNESS from the Palestinians too… Imagine being BLACK in this region.

I also know that BLACK Palestinians are purposely hidden when non-Black Palestinians want to “unite” with us ( BLACK Folk) from Amerikkka… I’ve even seen articles written that talk about BLACK Amerikkkan Solidarity with Palestinians, and how we face the same issues… Yet all of the BLACK People actually going through systematic racism identical to what we face in Amerikkka; they are totally left out of the picture. But why? 

Come on now, do you really think Palestinians want the BLACK People in their community to become front and center in their struggle? Think about it! The erasure of BLACKNESS in Palestinian society should be more important to Black People in Amerikkka, especially since so many are haphazardly blending our movements together… Especially entities with high visibility like BLM & M4BL, who perpetually advocate intersectionality. Don’t forget, BLM is a part of M4BLBLM is one of the orgs that has pledged allegiance to the M4BL platform… This platform further ties BLACK Liberation to Palestinian Liberation, without addressing anti-Blackness and BLACK erasure in Palestinian Struggle.

I personally feel BLM has a huge say in what happens with M4BL, an entity that includes various orgs from around the country… It seems to be a way for BLM to have more control over other orgs, without looking like it does, and in some cases those orgs not realizing that it does. Unity is all good, until it is united in areas that leave others who should be included, out of the equation.

So both of these entities, that operate as one at times, are all about intersectionality when it comes to BLACK LGBTQ and BLACK Women’s issues (two issues that are very important to me by the way)… But are these the only ways these entities are willing to apply intersectionality? Or really, is this all an issue of money controlling the narrative? I say it’s both! 

When BLACK People ignore Black Lives in the world, in order to show solidarity to NBPOC (non-BLACK People of Color) who have strong anti-Blackness issues they are not addressing… What in the actual fuck is that about? How is that not participating in the very things you supposedly are fighting to correct? How are these BLACK entities from Amerikkka sending delegations to Palestine, and not demanding the anti-Blackness be addressed throughly and thoughtfully while there? Why are all the BLACK People in Israel perpetually ignored? BLACK Jews face the same issues we do in Amerikkka plus other indignities, and the BLACK refugees there are being killed & deported along with the other systematic issues… Why are they left out the conversation? Do their BLACK Lives matter, or nah? The avoidance of this subject, and the issues thereof; it let’s me know that their lives don’t matter to most of y’all… Because of, well… Agendas. 

A retweet here and there about forced sterilization or deportations mean nothing, if you go to the region and don’t even go see how you can help them, and learn their stories while you’re there… But everyone spends all the resources and energy and time to make sure Palestinians, who erase BLACK Palestinians in their struggle, get all the solidarity efforts... Wow! 

And yes, some BLACK communities have complex relationships with one another and various needs, but we can’t even get into that yet, because folks gonna keep ignoring BLACK People all together… Like, what the fuck? Is that how it’s gonna continue to be? For real? If they are not good enough to meet with and fight for when you are over there, don’t retweet random articles that only tell, in part, of the horrors they face because of State sanctioned white supremacy in Israel.

When BLACK Folks come into this region for a few days, do they not realize that they probably won’t experience said anti-Blackness, because the ones who brought them over want and need BLACK Power to align with their cause… To strengthen it? They are using BLACK People as their Ambassadors in Amerikkka, riding the gale of change( the movement) our Ancestors blew our way to get us free of oppression, and further along. I get it though, they want to use this moment in time to pressure the Amerikkkan GOV here, so that the Amerikkkan GOV can directly pressure Israel to stop oppressing Palestinians. I want Israel off their backs, but not at the expense of ignoring other BLACK People being oppressed in that land…That’s a terrible deal!

Ask the visible (non-BLACK) Palestinians what they are doing to help BLACK People in their own land? They can’t just pressure the GOV like we can here in many ways, but they could work on eradicating anti-Blackness in their community as a sign of good faith. Ask them how our solidarity with them benefits us( BLACK People in Amerikkka)? If Ferguson had not risen to fight back, and a movement blossom as it has…Would they(visible Palestinians) want to be in solidarity with BLACK People because they saw us suffering? These are questions everybody needs to be asking.

We have aligned ourselves with other NBPOC in the past, including Palestinian Peoples… What did it do for us in the past? Did we build bridges that are beneficial for both? Did it last? Why not? Historically, we always end up at the back of our own movements when we align with NBPOC, because we don't demand more from them, and many do not really see us as their equals in humanity. We are very trusting, and think it’s cool when someone wants to stand with us… But listen, we need folks to not just stand with us… We need folks who say they are in solidarity with us, to move their legs and walk with us! This means they must be willing to take risks on our behalf, even if that forfeits the NBPOC privileges that they can access... Because let's be real, NBPOC have a closer proximity to whiteness, and many times they have thrown us under the bus to maintain it.

We (BLACK People) always work hard for our freedom, and for the freedom of others…Carrying everyone on our backs, and then we have the nerve to wonder why everyone else has a strong community, and we knee-grows from Amerikkka don’t. Those we align with get further along on their freedom journey, and BLACK People get what? Seriously, what have we received? Does the anti-Blackness mysteriously go away on its own? I'm afraid it sure the hell doesn't!

So, if we get Palestine free of Israel’s tyranny, how will BLACK People fare in their land and in Amerikkka? Metaphorically speaking, let's say you have sex with someone, and they climax... But you don’t. And to make matters worse, they don’t care that you didn't because they’re “taken care of”--Chile, I’m just saying. How many times will we repeat this cycle? We can support NBPOC, without sacrificing other BLACK People in the process. BLACK Liberation requires we take care of our people on a global level first, not leave them by the wayside for fair weather alliances.

Seriously…Think about it! What are BLACK People getting out of these alliances? How can BLACK People benefit if no one, including the BLACK People from Amerikkka... If BLACK Folks are not making sure that Black People in Palestine & Israel, no matter religion or ethnic persuasion; making sure that all of these BLACK People are being brought to the forefront and included in solidarity efforts. If that's not happening, how can there be true solidarity, and why are folks blending our movements in the midst of such epic erasure of the BLACK People on the Israel/Palestine side of things. This really has me hot!

Have y’all ever asked some of the BLACK Palestinians who have always lived in that land( not those who just got there in recent times or even the last hundred years)… Has anyone ever asked them who stole their lands? Imma give you a hint, it wasn’t the white jews👀. But, oh yeah… The BLACK Folks making these “solidarity trips” don’t go further into the region, and none of the people who bring them over there, make sure they are given the full picture… The full picture doesn’t benefit the people funding or benefiting from these trips, egos don’t want to take in the full picture either—Folks are willing pawns in a game that they do not fully understand.

When I went to the M4BL convening in July of 2015, I told y’all I had a great time for the most part. The exception was the last session that I participated in while at the convening… Before the closing of our coming together that weekend. The last session I participated in was an international one… It was about us planning ways we could fight for BLACK Lives on a global scale.

I have a unique perspective in BLACKNESS, because of my background. This automatically gives me a global vision, so being in this last international session was imperative for me. Beforehand, I had no idea who would be over it, or what all we would be discussing. I have kept much of this story to myself since it happened, because I didn’t want to be petty, and I was still hopeful that perhaps things could change. 

But now, as the Ancestors winds blow, and I feel truth needs to be told… I am over that “don’t want to be petty/ sacrifice myself in one-sided/harmful ways for the good of the movement " type bullshit! I always try to give our people the benefit of the doubt… Room to grow, relearn, expand... Always I am patient and give more than a few chances for folks to do right... Systematic racism has not been easy on the BLACK psyche & soul. But now that M4BL & BLM have proven that they will not address this BLACK erasure in Israel/Palestine, I am just going to lay it all out so that this issue can be better understood.

When Opal Tometi, one of the co-founders of BLM, first came into the room for the session; she looked at me funny, and rolled her eyes. I am so use to people treating me badly; that folks don’t easily get under my skin enough to move me, or to make me shut my mouth😉. What I didn’t know at the time, is that right before this session, some of the BLM People and Ferguson people were arguing… It was very heated from what I was told second hand. I guess… Maybe she( Opal) knew I was cool with Ferguson folks, and decided I deserved disrespect? Maybe she had seen my tweets at some time about the BLACK issue being ignored in Israel/Palestine, and didn’t like me because of it? I can only guess why she was acting this way toward me, because I don’t know her, nor had I ever had any interaction with her during this entire convening… Until this session, that is.

I remember after she saw me and gave me a dirty look, she called this girl out into the hallway… I don’t know the girls name, but I have seen her in some pictures of a recent trip to Palestine by folks picked by M4BL. She was very light skinned with naturally straight hair… I assumed she was BLACK because it was a BLACK only space, but she was one of those type of BLACK People who could pass for white if they wanted…Not at all saying that she would want to do that. I would later realize that the side bar conversation Opal and this girl was having, was about me… I guess she was supposed to try to interrupt me, because every time I spoke during this session, she tried to act like what I was saying was not relevant, interrupt me, and just overall behave very rude to me…VERY VERY rude! Maybe they were trying to get a bad reaction out of me for some reason… Trying to intimidate me into silence? I dunno, but if that was “the plan”— I wasn’t falling for that either…So I kept participating😁.

People in our session were from all over the country, a few places in Europe, and a few places in South America as well. Everyone but these two were kind to me, and many were wanting to hear my ideas and experiences. The whole time, this girl who Opal tasked with trying to deflect my ideals & Opal herself; they were looking at me funny and rolling their eyes… It was so bizarre. When I did get to say something about BLACK People being erased in the convo about Palestine, they tried hard to detour that from being a topic. Then Opal decided we would only talk about the Haitian issue in Dominican Republic, a very important issue by the way… But the way by which they were trying to silence me was really low human behavior, and very telling.

After the session, I was trying to talk to Opal, despite how she was treating me… She didn’t want to look me in the eye… I guess she was nervous about having to deal with me one on one… She tried to ignore me, but I wouldn’t let her😁. When she couldn’t ignore me anymore, and I asked her about the issue I brought up, she gave me this fake answer( I can’t remember verbatim). She told me to write my email down, and that they would include me in further discussion on the subject… This never happened, of course! Well, I’m sure they discussed the subject further with those they deemed worthy, but they certainly didn’t reach out to me... A person with first hand/lived experience on the subject... Wanna know why? ‘Cause my BLACK ass don’t matter😉 It is what it is, right?

As time has gone on, I have watched M4BL & BLM, continue to not address the issues I have throughly discussed in this blog… The issues concerning racism and anti-Blackness in Israel/Palestine, whilst they spend so much time, energy, resources building BLACK/Palestinian Solidarity, that does not include BLACK People in that land… Just us BLACKS here in Amerikkka because we can help affect change for them… Messed up, right? I think it is.

I continue to educate, have spoken at events, but folks here just do not care… Why don’t they care? Because the largest entities in the movement don’t care…That’s why. Most people are not leaders, even though they think they are… Most people only want to go with what is popular aka what is funded and visible. Many people do not care about a cause as much as they care about how they can benefit from being involved in said cause… And along with that, people are always choosing whether they will be loyal to what is right, based solely off of who they may get to rub elbows with in the future.

I have watched elders I respect greatly like Angela Davis and Danny Glover work on these campaigns to bridge the BLACK folks in America with the non-Black Palestinians. I am not sure if they have been made aware of the whole picture… I don’t know if they realize how many BLACK People are being ignored, and could use solidarity from other BLACK People like us. I do know that when I engage people, they are interested, but ultimately do not care enough to join me in heralding this issue.

Also, my contacts back in Israel, an Ethiopian Jewish brother specifically who is on the front lines fighting against systematic racism & police brutality… He says he wants to work together, but at the same time… He and other BLACK Jews think that BLACK People in Amerikkka don’t care about their plight, or what to be involved with them… And to be honest, he is right. Folks here truly don’t care about them, which is like saying you don't care about me.These people are flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood, just like African-Americans are to me. Ethiopian Jews are my people too, so I take this erasure of them and every other BLACK person in that land personal... This is personal to me, because I fight for our people here in Amerikkka, but I truly feel my people here don't have my back. Cops almost killed my ass just last month at a protest… Shooting live rounds at us on the 2 year anniversary of Mike Brown’s execution, but that doesn’t matter to most… I truly love BLACK People, and want liberation for us all… That is why I fight, because if it were based off the love I felt from my people…I wouldn’t do anything at all.

In my last blog(part 1)—I talked about the BLM chapter in Kentucky, treating a police brutality survivor badly… This chapter isn't the only one I have witnessed acting questionably. I live 2.5 hours away from Cleveland, and I have travelled many times to stand with the people there, as they began to move on behalf of those being killed by cops. When Brandon Jones was killed in March of 2015, I drove up to stand with his family and the people gathering. I helped local organizers( not BLM) as they plotted their next moves… Nothing ever progressed as far as sustained pressuring from local activists, organizers, orgs… BLM  (Cleveland chapter) didn’t reach out to his family(according to his mom who I talk to often).

The biggest case in Cleveland, at the time, was that of our dear Tamir Rice. There was a lot more publicity of his case than the others, because of his age and the circumstances. BLM was/has been there for the family of Tamir. I am not sure if they have been so for the others killed by cops.

Brandon was unarmed and had taken some things out of a closed store… He did NOT deserve to die. Just this Friday, the cop who unjustly executed him was indicted on a lesser murder charge. The cops who killed Tamir, Tanisha, and others didn’t even get indicted. An indictment isn’t a conviction… If he is convicted, will he even have to serve time? Such a tedious and hurtful journey for the families of those killed by cop demons.

I remember reaching out to Brandon’s mom on Facebook last year, and asking her if anyone was helping her, because I wasn’t hearing anything about the case, or any action on his behalf. I was very surprised that no one in Cleveland, especially BLM was assisting her, planning actions—No support. I started to build with her and her family… I would drive all the way up, and do what I could, which wasn’t much. It was hard for me, not being from Cleveland to get people together… Many who could help get people together were uninterested… I reached out to many of those whom I have stood beside in protest who lived in Cleveland, and most of them could care less.

I continued to do whatever I could to support the family, but it was so messed up to me that the burden of trying to organize was on the family… There are so many ways to support people… Even just picking up the phone and asking them if they want to go to dinner, offering a laugh, finding resources, making sure they have folks supporting them when there are court dates…So many things people who live in Cleveland could do, but wouldn’t.

For the one year anniversary of Brandon’s execution, I was glad that mothers from other cities came to stand with the family… But seriously, her hometown activists totally abandoned her and her entire family. I talk to her, and it’s hard for her everyday.

I see BLM and other groups from various places, always wanting to be on the ground for the most publicized cases, but paying other folks dust…Folks who really need any type of support that can be mustered for themselves, and their executed loved ones. It’s a pattern I do not like, and that I will not support.

My hometown isn’t too much better when it comes social justice, no matter the group or org. We have a lot of big egos, and folks not wanting to do what needs to be done, to affect change…This is a disastrous combination. Ohio lacks the energy to fight back as need be… I don’t know what it is about this state and the BLACK People in it…There will be a rally when cops murder one of us, maybe 2 or 3, but then the momentum dies… We need to do way more than protest, and if we do protest it needs to be epic and totally disrupt… Otherwise at this point, we’re just putting on a show for the winds. None of us can be a movement by ourselves, no matter how radical we are… It’s so frustrating, because we should have Ohio rocking for all the injustices done here… Folks just aren’t with it, though.

So, right now, I am not going out to protests, and I am not joining with people who do not vibe on a revolutionary LOVE frequency. I am helping my people in various other ways right now… I am not disrespecting the goddess in me by allowing myself to be disrespected… My life may not mean much to those I  have fought beside, but it means something to me and those who actually do love me… I have too much still to give, to waste in shallow, stagnant waters. I am open to taking action and even risking my life; I will just be sure it is expedient for me to do so… No more wasting of energy and vibe.

So… I have really gone deep about why I don’t support BLM & M4BL at this point… But understand, that does not mean I am not still doing this work. Understand that there are individuals who are involved in these entities, that are fighting sincere and true, and are just unaware of the underworking’s —I just believe COINTELPRO type tactics, greed, and selfishness has taken over. I feel this is a time that the true freedom fighters need to stand against the shit hurting BLACK Liberation. I have been a freedom fighter since childhood, I’m a healer…I will always be helping my people in some way… I will always stand against injustice! 

Could my perception about BLM & M4BL change in the future? It could if I feel they cleaned house, cared about all BLACK Lives, and stop taking money from entities that wish to water down our movement. So what do I want? No one is perfect, right? Well, no one is flawless…We all, including myself make mistakes… What we do when we make those mistakes is what counts… This is the difference between the just and the unjust. I feel that there is too much clique mentality, opportunism, and being bought going on, and I want to continue to fight for my people, both here and abroad, with integrity. I want to raise the vibration of the planet, by helping to restore our people to greatness; thereby realigning things for every person on the planet. I don’t want to have to compromise our people and our struggle for agenda’s that do not benefit us… I want freedom, and I want it done in way  where integrity and revolutionary love are centered. I do not want to feel like I, or others like me, do not belong because we don’t fit in the side agenda du jour…. I want us to make progress that lasts, not an illusion that enslaves… This what I want for us.… What do you want?

In Unashamed Négritude & Revolutionary Love,

All Rights Reserved

Saturday, September 10, 2016

~PART 1~Ancestral Winds Blow & Reveal: Lies-Coverups-Opportunism-Faux White Allies

This week has been hellish for a number of reasons… Mostly so, because we lost a Freedom Warrior from Ferguson… He was assassinated. This in and of itself, is tremendously heartbreaking. Unfolding the who, the why, the when, the where…That is going to be a tedious journey, that has already been compromised by the police, and their purposeful & malicious neglect of the crime scene… Evidence left behind, nothing taped off… They disrespected King Darren Seals in life, and now in the handling of his murder as welI… But are we really surprised? Their hands aren’t clean, and I hope that all of the reasons why, are soon revealed. I truly pray that ALL is revealed… Not just those who physically murdered DSeals, but also those who planned it, who knew about it, who called for it and who approved it… Everyone on every level… May Universal Justice be carried out swiftly! 

Though we cannot depend on the injustice system in Amerikkka, I pray that the CREATOR and the Ancestors blow winds perpetually, until everything hidden, is revealed… I pray strength, love, resilience, and healing to the Ferguson Fam who are not only devastated by this vicious act; many wonder who can be trusted, and rightly so.

When Mike Brown was executed, the people of Ferguson, starting with his family and neighbors; they took to the streets in protest… Igniting a freedom flame that started fires all over the country and the world.  A lot has happened since then, and many are fighting injustices in their communities across the nation, solely because folks in Ferguson rose up as powerfully as they did; inspiring them to action for the 1st time, or inspiring them to increase their action in the work they had already been doing. 

Many have come and gone into Ferguson… I myself have been in & out of the community to strictly support folks there… I have never done an interview on their behalf, raised a gofundme for myself or anyone else, or anything else of that nature… I have built very special relationships with some of the people I came to know in Ferguson, and I have always fought for those voices to be heard. Unfortunately, I didn’t/don’t have the platform to really help get attention focused on them as I wanted…Folks who live and breathe in Ferguson, but aren’t necessarily highly visible on Twitter… A platform that has helped us spread info & communicate, but has also created a world that does not synch with the real one. 

I have watched those I came to know & love suffer so much as they have struggled to keep things going, whilst dealing with all the stress that comes with fighting this evil system. I have always wished I could do more, and many on Twitter were not getting to know many of the folks I was blessed to encounter, and the work they were/are getting done in the Ferguson Community.

There has been many factors at work, not just in Ferguson, but where I live and many other places folks have been rising up against the system—This Human Nature of ours… I mean, nothing is new… History repeats itself, and there is a pattern that I am afraid we have not been able to undo… We as a people are still falling for the same COINTELPRO type tactics that befell or elders & Ancestors… We have not applied the knowledge of those amongst them who have warned us; we haven’t equipped ourselves with the understanding of how the powers that be, and the greed amongst our own… How it totally ruins liberation efforts for BLACK People! I understand that the lack of cultural education, and the lack of preparedness for these gushes of revolutionary winds; this aids the pervasiveness of this pattern. Nonetheless, I am devastated that we are… Here.

I saw an article this week that had a breaking news banner attached to it. The article spoke on how Jesse Jackson set-up Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This isn’t breaking news for many of us… We have heard this before, but there is a document that proves it more precisely; it has surfaced/re-surfaced recently. What I do know is that our own people, BLACK People, who sell us out; this is the main thoroughfare for the water that extinguishes freedom fires to travel down. It has been happening again… GOV informants, greed, selfishness, wanting to be famous… It has caused so many balls of confusion in the midst of us trying to free ourselves from oppression, during this reignited gust of wind, in the continual cyclone that blows about us… Energy waning & strengthening over the years… Various shifts & intensity levels from F1-F5… Propelling us forward, and sometimes backward… But always again, we press on! 

Look at the Black Panther Party, for instance… The GOV sent in people who looked just like them (BLACK) to help take down the party… And also consider the white liberals that Dr. King & Malcolm X tried to warn us about… These types seem to really be down for the cause, but really they are just around to end efforts that are too powerful and revolutionary… And some are thwarters/ saboteurs without having GOV ties, this is also a thing… Some people are just so personally invested in the Amerikkkan System, that they don’t want things disrupted… Even if they are BLACK and oppressed themselves.

Freedom Train Conductor Harriet Tubman said that she could have freed more BLACK People, if they had realized that they were slaves. So many of our people still enslaved in their thinking to this very day…. Oh, and don’t worry, we’re really going to thoroughly discuss these white “allies”—Bare with me a few more minutes as I get everything off my chest, and onto this screen…

So, ever since DSeals assassination, there has been a light shined on organizations all over the country, especially Black Lives MatterIt gets confusing for folks to understand that we all have used the words “Black Lives Matter” as a unified rallying cry, but we were/are not all affiliated with the organization itself. The org which already existed, became popular because we began to use the name of their org as our rallying cry, in the wake of the people of Ferguson startling us all to heightened ACTION!

As the Ferguson fam began to fight back, and others around the country and world began to move toward doing the same; many wanted to join something and be unified in spirit to affect change… Black Lives Matter  the org (I think they may call themselves a network now) was a space that many who had never fought for our people before, could go and join up with others… Something that had a basic structure to it already. Other orgs were formed, and existing ones came under a more visible lens, with many new recruits… New is great, but new often has no historical perspective of revolutionary action… Therefore, learning and doing have to be done simultaneously, and some do this incredibly well… And many others lack the maturity or love frequency to do so without hurting themselves and others. 

Also keep in mind, many of us who have done freedom work for years, are not attached to any org… We get involved using grassroots methods, and support in any way a community needs… We are often leaders, who do not have a need to lead, and are cool not being the face of anything. Being in an org is not the only way to join up with others, and do valuable work for our people.

I personally had never heard of Black Lives Matter(BLM), before we started using those words as a rallying cry… It was only then that I realized there was an org with this designation… Who at the time said on Twitter that they didn’t mind/wanted the “movement” to use this as a rallying cry… In the beginning, everything seemed so beautifully organic and selfless, but as I have written about in my autobiography: Soul Cry of an Invisible Freedom FighterA narrative that covers and has accompanying prose about my freedom fighting experience since childhood, up until the first 10 months of the current uprisings in Ferguson, CLE, Baltimore, and everywhere in-between—That people were posturing for fame and position from the beginning… Some of it was obvious to me immediately, and some of it wasn’t.

As time went on, I began to see many things that made me go from support of BLM (the org), to me personally taking issue with the org for not truly caring about all BLACK Lives from what I was seeing and experiencing… I will literally have to do an entire separate blog about that, at another time.

A recent incident (like 2 days ago) really got under my skin concerning a BLM chapter in Kentucky… I watched ( on Twitter) members berate a BLACK Woman who is a police brutality survivor, simply because she dared to say that they have only used her name for publicity… She was asked about the chapter’s involvement in her case, and she truthfully told the person who asked, that they haven’t been helpful. People who followed her begin to question them (BLM) directly as to why they were not supporting her, and folks from the chapter started to attack the survivor with some of the most non-sensical answers I have ever seen in my life… Cold and cruel and playground-ish.

This BLACK Woman says she hasn’t been helped by them in the past 2 years, and she feels they only fight for those who didn’t survive their attack by cop demons. So instead of trying to see how they can help now, or even respectfully proving/recounting what they had done for her, if they had done anything… They instead chose to disrespect her & deflect to excuses like how “They don’t get paid” & “How dare she question them.”— They actually told her she was acting “entitled “ to expect help from them, and they also addressed her disrespectfully in other ways… Then they begin to sarcastically ask, “Well, what does she want us to do?” Why would she want your help now, when you treat her like this? SMDH… This, all of it, really made me cringe…

And not just because I am a police brutality survivor, but also because that’s low human behavior… I’ve been doing work for our people in various capacities since childhood… I have always seen it as volunteer work that is for my benefit as well… If I pledge to do something, I don’t get to act recklessly when a person simply states their truth… I have a right to disagree, prove what I have done, apologize if I haven’t been able to help, etc… But this work requires compassion and understanding— I know we can’t do everything, but when we mess up, we just gotta see how we can make things right, and own it… If we have a true heart for our people. 

This BLACK Woman has been online sharing her story, and I have witnessed her always thanking every single person who retweets her, which I have never seen anyone, including myself do… So… Hell nah! I don’t think this woman is “entitled” like they are trying to say. The problem is, there is a pervasive culture within social justice circles, that replicates all the things and attitudes that folks say they are fighting against… It’s also very reminiscent of when someone dares to question a lot of these pastors… People will tell us we can’t question the person of G-D…How dare we mere mortals do such a thing! This is the sort of vibe I got from this exchange btw the org and the survivor… The Libra that I am didn’t like it one bit— If this  BLACK Woman was being helped by this chapter of BLM, I know she would be thankful to them, because I witness her literally thank everyone who retweets or mentions her story online, every single day. So, please visit her website and offer her the support she needs… Most of her support comes from folks not near her, so if you are in the Louisville, KY area, especially be sure to reach out to her on her site, and offer her whatever support you expertise in….Everything you need to know about her case, and what she needs right now is on the site.

So let’s talk about white folks for a minute… I have had to “go in” this week on them! I have known for a while that most of the white folks who say they are fighting beside us, are really not for us like they say… They are willing to say “Black Lives Matter” and come to protests, but  most do not really want us to liberate ourselves in any ways that make them uncomfortable. Too many white people have such an arrogant way of dealing and talking to some of us… Especially if they think we are nice enough to not read them for filth. I have had several who follow me online, that I thought were good supporters… They have turned out to be snakes in the tall grass…  But guess what? I cut that shit this week! 

I have come to find out through some reliable information, and through observation of their reptilian ways, that these faux allies have had many side-bars, talking about those of us who uphold the radical BLACK tradition… See, these white folks talk about how we just don’t “get it’— Our very own oppression, they think they know better… Many have the aspiration or have been cajoled to try to convince us into their positions; wanting us to embrace a more mainstream ideal of Amerikkkan Liberalism… They are emboldened by respectable knee-grows who want us to shut up, and conform just as much as they do… Respectable knee-grows and die-hard BLACK reformist-only theologians of sorts.

They both, but especially the faux white allies, think they are so smart as not to get caught, or that we are too unintelligent to see what they are doing… The joke is on them, because they are so messy, and leave their marks of shittery all over the place. They talk in the open about some of their ideals, and then will go side-bar… I know because some folks feel bad about what they have participated in, and give a heads up*smile*… And really, they are only confirming what I and others already suspected… Also, when they want to come for us, they will send other people we’ve never interacted with before, but then be unintelligent enough to like the tweets of the obtuse individual badgering us… Implicating themselves. Or sometimes they will never say anything to us or interact with us regularly, unless it’s someone trying to push neoliberal bullshit on us… Then all of a sudden they are in our mentions liking the tweets of the disrespectful & obtuse person… I’ve let it go on too long, but my wrath has been kindled, and I will not tolerate this manipulation in my spaces anymore… Yes you are seen… I haven’t got around to blocking all of you, but I will… I will never stop being a truth teller, so your mission is a huge FAIL!

I was not a close friend of King Darren Seals… I simply didn’t get a chance to know him on a deeper level. I’ve only been in his presence a few times… I saw him just last month, August 8th at the Healing Event Lost Voices was hosting. He had come for a few minutes, with a group of youth in tow, but he had to leave early. He and I both greeted each other, and I wish I had gotten the chance to talk with him more that day. I never had a problem with this brother, and though I may not agree with all of his ideals, I know how much he did for the people in Ferguson, and that was dope to me! He was loved and respected  in his community, and the people who knew him are really suffering a great loss.

Also, let’s all be careful about how we speak to one another… And let’s especially be careful not to wish harm on anyone in anger, or loosely speak death because that is the lingo of our times… ’Cause if something bad  happens to that person, even when you didn’t mean it; no one ever forgets what you said… It can be a haunting thing. BLACK People, speak life to one another… Speak life into yourself; your soul…Forgive one another, but don’t be no fool either… Learn to teach one another where we fall short and are ignorant… Doing so in such a way, that even if it angers the person needing the lesson, they cool down and then are properly warmed by the love they felt, from your authentic interaction and vibe and truth… May it prevail!

So, back to the faux allies & respectable knee-grows discussion—Truth tellers who uphold the Radical BLACK Tradition like myself, who are pro-dismantling and revolutionary love in EVERY expression; they ( faux allies & respectable knee-grows) both want us to shut up, playing the divide and conquer game; favoring them over us. This is part of how some of your fave celeb activists have become as popularized as they have, not to mention other even bigger and darker under-workings… Those with a less potent message of BLACK Liberation are supported by faux allies, and this shifts the balance… Adding to the separation that is already between BLACK People… This is a longstanding trend and tactic of whiteness for centuries… Divide & conquer.

So these folks talk amongst themselves, and they target people who speak a bold truth, and do not conform to their preference of the type of BLACKNESS that is less threatening, because it is less self-determined. They come for someone like me who shows kindness, because they think I ain’t got a savage spark, but I fixed that this week… I let everyone know, you not gonna run these games with me. I will just cut the convo and your ways of reaching me, and go about my business. I’m not a toy, don’t even try to play with me!

But seriously, IF you are that type of white person that I have just described…Fuck off! I know many have been used by those shady BLACK activists among us, to spy and keep tabs on what we’re saying and doing(plants & moles)… See when you do a bunch of shitty stuff, you are always wondering who knows what, and if they know, will they reveal what they know? I have been blocked on Twitter by folks I have never followed or interacted with… Whose very names are like speaking up a bad omen to me. Also, I do know I have some BLACK People who follow me just to spy as well… I’m still sorting out who is who when it comes to BLACK folks. 

The only reason I know I have been blocked by these certain ones, is because when people retweet them on my timeline, their tweets are invisible. This is another reason some of the faux white allies started following some of us, not just me… Your radical azz too😆. Honestly, I don’t want them to unblock me though… I wasn’t following them for a reason. I’m pro-blocking those you feel you need to… Even if its someone who doesn’t follow you, you are entitled to that!👀😬

There is so much going on, on so many levels all over the country in social justice circles… This week I have started following the instinct and move of SPIRIT, and started to just block some of these people I know are just talking shit about me, and many others… These type of white folks empowered by respectable knee-grows and BLACK opportunism; pretending to be allies are the very ones Malcolm X and Dr. King spoke about. For the longest, I didn't think their shadiness was a big deal, because most people are shady… But then I started to see how they were operating and ganging up…I then realized I had been ignoring the unction to shut them down…Now that I am being obedient to this unction; I feel much better… More peace online too, coincidence? Nah!  I haven’t weeded everyone out yet, as I’ve stated before, but my eyes are wide open, and I will also allow my discernment to guide me more… It really does take spiritual fortitude to decipher through a lot of this mess.

So… There is so much to say, and I have already made this blog too long… I may come with a part two next week, but let me leave you with this: Everything is going to be revealed! Every thing that has been hidden will have light shone upon it now… From Ferguson to everywhere else in this country that folks gather to move against this racist system… Where some have done dirt, so many other hearts truly want change, and are unaware of the underworking’s around them… All of it will be dealt with! I feel so much Ancestral Energy lately… I know they are not pleased… I know the CREATOR has a plan and will move. To separate justice from Divinity, is to deny these winds that now blow… And ABBA,IMA, GREAT ONE… May they blow & may we be able to build once we see clearly! R.I.Power King Darren Seals, MarShawn McCarrel, Matthew Williams, and every other freedom fighter that has lost their life, or battles to live during this current wave of our struggle… I love you ALL! Ashe’!

In Unashamed Négritude & Revolutionary Love,

All Rights Reserved

Sunday, September 4, 2016

#LiftEveryVoiceChallenge & Womanish Breaths

#LiftEveryVoiceChallenge &  Womanish Breaths

Hey everyone! This week I am not going to go too deep with my writing and analysis, but I will instead use this blogosphere space to enlighten everyone about two very important projects.

I want to first draw everyone’s attention to a challenge that I started on twitter… I wanted to start the #LiftEveryVoiceChallenge to get people to do their renditions of the BLACK National Anthem… To get this very important song circulating in popularity amongst our people again. Folks make challenges for all sorts of things nowadays, why not this? 

In the wake of Colin Kapepernick taking a right and bold stance to not stand for the Amerikkkan Anthem (star spangled banner)—An anthem that mocks BLACK People’s enslavement, and upholds the tyranny that started and continues to keep Amerikkka going… This anthem of this country in which we live; a place where BLACK People are not treated as human, the indigenous are displaced and perpetually robbed, and the other NBPOC(Non-BLACK People of Color) have their struggles as well… BLACK People who built this country, and whose blood still flows through the streets; we are highly oppressed… We’re at the very bottom of the privilege hierarchy…No NBPOC would ever trade us fates/places… Many even in their struggles, try to distance themselves as far away from BLACKNESS as possible…The State sanctioned Police terror on our communities, environmental racism, micro-aggressions… Fight Fight Fight… BLACK People have never had to not fight for freedom, since our Ancestors were savagely brought here, and made into slaves… 

But guess what? We have an anthem…Yes, BLACK PEOPLE have an anthem! It isn’t a new concept that self-determination is something very important in keeping our spirits alive, when facing such oppression and perpetual bitterness. Singing doesn’t solve the issues we face, but it is a healing balm that we as a people have always deferred to…It has given us strength, infused us with love, and inspired us to action many times throughout our history in the Amerikkka’s and in Africa, our homeland. “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing” is a song written in poem form by:
James Weldon Johnson (1871–1938) in 1899 and set to music by his brother John Rosamond Johnson (1873–1954) in 1900. It is one of the authorized hymns in the Episcopal hymnal. 

What I would like us to accomplish with this challenge is:
  • Introduce the BLACK National Anthem to all those (especially younger BLACK People) who don’t know this anthem belongs to us, and speaks of who we are and hope to be as a people.
  • To instill pride, self-determination, revolutionary love in BLACK People
  • To give our people (BLACK People) an alternative to the star spangled banner, a song that mocks our struggle and doesn't represent us because we are not treated human.
  • To educate & send out a collective BLACK Liberation Vibe—A unification through song—Let the universe know we remember who we are, and will strive to better that knowing.
  • To stand in solidarity with Kaeprnick & every other NFL player that will join their boycott, hoping it will encourage them to utilize more of the power they have as players in a big money & highly influential Amerikkkan sport

This video will explain more and also contains  my contribution to the challenge (Yes, I sing in it!)

The second important project I want to inform you all about, is my 3rd literary work (micropoetry) that was just released  on 8/25 : 
Womanish Breaths.This micropoetry offering has 200 breaths( micropoems) that explores womanism from my experience… Every aspect of life is covered… A very powerful wind of truth that I am pleased to be able to exhale and share with you all… Ever wonder what womanism is? Well in my first blog Unapologetically Womanish , I explore the ins & outs of womanism… This book is just the poetic version of that ideal; written to render you knowing, and to also allow the womanist spirit to be tangibly and  indelibly inscribed on your being.

I hope that you will consider sharing both the #LiftEveryVoiceChallenge & also my newest poetic offering… Womanish Breaths
As always you can respond directly to this blog or tweet me: Empress_Orit

In Unashamed Négritude & Revolutionary Love,


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