Saturday, September 10, 2016

~PART 1~Ancestral Winds Blow & Reveal: Lies-Coverups-Opportunism-Faux White Allies

This week has been hellish for a number of reasons… Mostly so, because we lost a Freedom Warrior from Ferguson… He was assassinated. This in and of itself, is tremendously heartbreaking. Unfolding the who, the why, the when, the where…That is going to be a tedious journey, that has already been compromised by the police, and their purposeful & malicious neglect of the crime scene… Evidence left behind, nothing taped off… They disrespected King Darren Seals in life, and now in the handling of his murder as welI… But are we really surprised? Their hands aren’t clean, and I hope that all of the reasons why, are soon revealed. I truly pray that ALL is revealed… Not just those who physically murdered DSeals, but also those who planned it, who knew about it, who called for it and who approved it… Everyone on every level… May Universal Justice be carried out swiftly! 

Though we cannot depend on the injustice system in Amerikkka, I pray that the CREATOR and the Ancestors blow winds perpetually, until everything hidden, is revealed… I pray strength, love, resilience, and healing to the Ferguson Fam who are not only devastated by this vicious act; many wonder who can be trusted, and rightly so.

When Mike Brown was executed, the people of Ferguson, starting with his family and neighbors; they took to the streets in protest… Igniting a freedom flame that started fires all over the country and the world.  A lot has happened since then, and many are fighting injustices in their communities across the nation, solely because folks in Ferguson rose up as powerfully as they did; inspiring them to action for the 1st time, or inspiring them to increase their action in the work they had already been doing. 

Many have come and gone into Ferguson… I myself have been in & out of the community to strictly support folks there… I have never done an interview on their behalf, raised a gofundme for myself or anyone else, or anything else of that nature… I have built very special relationships with some of the people I came to know in Ferguson, and I have always fought for those voices to be heard. Unfortunately, I didn’t/don’t have the platform to really help get attention focused on them as I wanted…Folks who live and breathe in Ferguson, but aren’t necessarily highly visible on Twitter… A platform that has helped us spread info & communicate, but has also created a world that does not synch with the real one. 

I have watched those I came to know & love suffer so much as they have struggled to keep things going, whilst dealing with all the stress that comes with fighting this evil system. I have always wished I could do more, and many on Twitter were not getting to know many of the folks I was blessed to encounter, and the work they were/are getting done in the Ferguson Community.

There has been many factors at work, not just in Ferguson, but where I live and many other places folks have been rising up against the system—This Human Nature of ours… I mean, nothing is new… History repeats itself, and there is a pattern that I am afraid we have not been able to undo… We as a people are still falling for the same COINTELPRO type tactics that befell or elders & Ancestors… We have not applied the knowledge of those amongst them who have warned us; we haven’t equipped ourselves with the understanding of how the powers that be, and the greed amongst our own… How it totally ruins liberation efforts for BLACK People! I understand that the lack of cultural education, and the lack of preparedness for these gushes of revolutionary winds; this aids the pervasiveness of this pattern. Nonetheless, I am devastated that we are… Here.

I saw an article this week that had a breaking news banner attached to it. The article spoke on how Jesse Jackson set-up Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This isn’t breaking news for many of us… We have heard this before, but there is a document that proves it more precisely; it has surfaced/re-surfaced recently. What I do know is that our own people, BLACK People, who sell us out; this is the main thoroughfare for the water that extinguishes freedom fires to travel down. It has been happening again… GOV informants, greed, selfishness, wanting to be famous… It has caused so many balls of confusion in the midst of us trying to free ourselves from oppression, during this reignited gust of wind, in the continual cyclone that blows about us… Energy waning & strengthening over the years… Various shifts & intensity levels from F1-F5… Propelling us forward, and sometimes backward… But always again, we press on! 

Look at the Black Panther Party, for instance… The GOV sent in people who looked just like them (BLACK) to help take down the party… And also consider the white liberals that Dr. King & Malcolm X tried to warn us about… These types seem to really be down for the cause, but really they are just around to end efforts that are too powerful and revolutionary… And some are thwarters/ saboteurs without having GOV ties, this is also a thing… Some people are just so personally invested in the Amerikkkan System, that they don’t want things disrupted… Even if they are BLACK and oppressed themselves.

Freedom Train Conductor Harriet Tubman said that she could have freed more BLACK People, if they had realized that they were slaves. So many of our people still enslaved in their thinking to this very day…. Oh, and don’t worry, we’re really going to thoroughly discuss these white “allies”—Bare with me a few more minutes as I get everything off my chest, and onto this screen…

So, ever since DSeals assassination, there has been a light shined on organizations all over the country, especially Black Lives MatterIt gets confusing for folks to understand that we all have used the words “Black Lives Matter” as a unified rallying cry, but we were/are not all affiliated with the organization itself. The org which already existed, became popular because we began to use the name of their org as our rallying cry, in the wake of the people of Ferguson startling us all to heightened ACTION!

As the Ferguson fam began to fight back, and others around the country and world began to move toward doing the same; many wanted to join something and be unified in spirit to affect change… Black Lives Matter  the org (I think they may call themselves a network now) was a space that many who had never fought for our people before, could go and join up with others… Something that had a basic structure to it already. Other orgs were formed, and existing ones came under a more visible lens, with many new recruits… New is great, but new often has no historical perspective of revolutionary action… Therefore, learning and doing have to be done simultaneously, and some do this incredibly well… And many others lack the maturity or love frequency to do so without hurting themselves and others. 

Also keep in mind, many of us who have done freedom work for years, are not attached to any org… We get involved using grassroots methods, and support in any way a community needs… We are often leaders, who do not have a need to lead, and are cool not being the face of anything. Being in an org is not the only way to join up with others, and do valuable work for our people.

I personally had never heard of Black Lives Matter(BLM), before we started using those words as a rallying cry… It was only then that I realized there was an org with this designation… Who at the time said on Twitter that they didn’t mind/wanted the “movement” to use this as a rallying cry… In the beginning, everything seemed so beautifully organic and selfless, but as I have written about in my autobiography: Soul Cry of an Invisible Freedom FighterA narrative that covers and has accompanying prose about my freedom fighting experience since childhood, up until the first 10 months of the current uprisings in Ferguson, CLE, Baltimore, and everywhere in-between—That people were posturing for fame and position from the beginning… Some of it was obvious to me immediately, and some of it wasn’t.

As time went on, I began to see many things that made me go from support of BLM (the org), to me personally taking issue with the org for not truly caring about all BLACK Lives from what I was seeing and experiencing… I will literally have to do an entire separate blog about that, at another time.

A recent incident (like 2 days ago) really got under my skin concerning a BLM chapter in Kentucky… I watched ( on Twitter) members berate a BLACK Woman who is a police brutality survivor, simply because she dared to say that they have only used her name for publicity… She was asked about the chapter’s involvement in her case, and she truthfully told the person who asked, that they haven’t been helpful. People who followed her begin to question them (BLM) directly as to why they were not supporting her, and folks from the chapter started to attack the survivor with some of the most non-sensical answers I have ever seen in my life… Cold and cruel and playground-ish.

This BLACK Woman says she hasn’t been helped by them in the past 2 years, and she feels they only fight for those who didn’t survive their attack by cop demons. So instead of trying to see how they can help now, or even respectfully proving/recounting what they had done for her, if they had done anything… They instead chose to disrespect her & deflect to excuses like how “They don’t get paid” & “How dare she question them.”— They actually told her she was acting “entitled “ to expect help from them, and they also addressed her disrespectfully in other ways… Then they begin to sarcastically ask, “Well, what does she want us to do?” Why would she want your help now, when you treat her like this? SMDH… This, all of it, really made me cringe…

And not just because I am a police brutality survivor, but also because that’s low human behavior… I’ve been doing work for our people in various capacities since childhood… I have always seen it as volunteer work that is for my benefit as well… If I pledge to do something, I don’t get to act recklessly when a person simply states their truth… I have a right to disagree, prove what I have done, apologize if I haven’t been able to help, etc… But this work requires compassion and understanding— I know we can’t do everything, but when we mess up, we just gotta see how we can make things right, and own it… If we have a true heart for our people. 

This BLACK Woman has been online sharing her story, and I have witnessed her always thanking every single person who retweets her, which I have never seen anyone, including myself do… So… Hell nah! I don’t think this woman is “entitled” like they are trying to say. The problem is, there is a pervasive culture within social justice circles, that replicates all the things and attitudes that folks say they are fighting against… It’s also very reminiscent of when someone dares to question a lot of these pastors… People will tell us we can’t question the person of G-D…How dare we mere mortals do such a thing! This is the sort of vibe I got from this exchange btw the org and the survivor… The Libra that I am didn’t like it one bit— If this  BLACK Woman was being helped by this chapter of BLM, I know she would be thankful to them, because I witness her literally thank everyone who retweets or mentions her story online, every single day. So, please visit her website and offer her the support she needs… Most of her support comes from folks not near her, so if you are in the Louisville, KY area, especially be sure to reach out to her on her site, and offer her whatever support you expertise in….Everything you need to know about her case, and what she needs right now is on the site.

So let’s talk about white folks for a minute… I have had to “go in” this week on them! I have known for a while that most of the white folks who say they are fighting beside us, are really not for us like they say… They are willing to say “Black Lives Matter” and come to protests, but  most do not really want us to liberate ourselves in any ways that make them uncomfortable. Too many white people have such an arrogant way of dealing and talking to some of us… Especially if they think we are nice enough to not read them for filth. I have had several who follow me online, that I thought were good supporters… They have turned out to be snakes in the tall grass…  But guess what? I cut that shit this week! 

I have come to find out through some reliable information, and through observation of their reptilian ways, that these faux allies have had many side-bars, talking about those of us who uphold the radical BLACK tradition… See, these white folks talk about how we just don’t “get it’— Our very own oppression, they think they know better… Many have the aspiration or have been cajoled to try to convince us into their positions; wanting us to embrace a more mainstream ideal of Amerikkkan Liberalism… They are emboldened by respectable knee-grows who want us to shut up, and conform just as much as they do… Respectable knee-grows and die-hard BLACK reformist-only theologians of sorts.

They both, but especially the faux white allies, think they are so smart as not to get caught, or that we are too unintelligent to see what they are doing… The joke is on them, because they are so messy, and leave their marks of shittery all over the place. They talk in the open about some of their ideals, and then will go side-bar… I know because some folks feel bad about what they have participated in, and give a heads up*smile*… And really, they are only confirming what I and others already suspected… Also, when they want to come for us, they will send other people we’ve never interacted with before, but then be unintelligent enough to like the tweets of the obtuse individual badgering us… Implicating themselves. Or sometimes they will never say anything to us or interact with us regularly, unless it’s someone trying to push neoliberal bullshit on us… Then all of a sudden they are in our mentions liking the tweets of the disrespectful & obtuse person… I’ve let it go on too long, but my wrath has been kindled, and I will not tolerate this manipulation in my spaces anymore… Yes you are seen… I haven’t got around to blocking all of you, but I will… I will never stop being a truth teller, so your mission is a huge FAIL!

I was not a close friend of King Darren Seals… I simply didn’t get a chance to know him on a deeper level. I’ve only been in his presence a few times… I saw him just last month, August 8th at the Healing Event Lost Voices was hosting. He had come for a few minutes, with a group of youth in tow, but he had to leave early. He and I both greeted each other, and I wish I had gotten the chance to talk with him more that day. I never had a problem with this brother, and though I may not agree with all of his ideals, I know how much he did for the people in Ferguson, and that was dope to me! He was loved and respected  in his community, and the people who knew him are really suffering a great loss.

Also, let’s all be careful about how we speak to one another… And let’s especially be careful not to wish harm on anyone in anger, or loosely speak death because that is the lingo of our times… ’Cause if something bad  happens to that person, even when you didn’t mean it; no one ever forgets what you said… It can be a haunting thing. BLACK People, speak life to one another… Speak life into yourself; your soul…Forgive one another, but don’t be no fool either… Learn to teach one another where we fall short and are ignorant… Doing so in such a way, that even if it angers the person needing the lesson, they cool down and then are properly warmed by the love they felt, from your authentic interaction and vibe and truth… May it prevail!

So, back to the faux allies & respectable knee-grows discussion—Truth tellers who uphold the Radical BLACK Tradition like myself, who are pro-dismantling and revolutionary love in EVERY expression; they ( faux allies & respectable knee-grows) both want us to shut up, playing the divide and conquer game; favoring them over us. This is part of how some of your fave celeb activists have become as popularized as they have, not to mention other even bigger and darker under-workings… Those with a less potent message of BLACK Liberation are supported by faux allies, and this shifts the balance… Adding to the separation that is already between BLACK People… This is a longstanding trend and tactic of whiteness for centuries… Divide & conquer.

So these folks talk amongst themselves, and they target people who speak a bold truth, and do not conform to their preference of the type of BLACKNESS that is less threatening, because it is less self-determined. They come for someone like me who shows kindness, because they think I ain’t got a savage spark, but I fixed that this week… I let everyone know, you not gonna run these games with me. I will just cut the convo and your ways of reaching me, and go about my business. I’m not a toy, don’t even try to play with me!

But seriously, IF you are that type of white person that I have just described…Fuck off! I know many have been used by those shady BLACK activists among us, to spy and keep tabs on what we’re saying and doing(plants & moles)… See when you do a bunch of shitty stuff, you are always wondering who knows what, and if they know, will they reveal what they know? I have been blocked on Twitter by folks I have never followed or interacted with… Whose very names are like speaking up a bad omen to me. Also, I do know I have some BLACK People who follow me just to spy as well… I’m still sorting out who is who when it comes to BLACK folks. 

The only reason I know I have been blocked by these certain ones, is because when people retweet them on my timeline, their tweets are invisible. This is another reason some of the faux white allies started following some of us, not just me… Your radical azz too😆. Honestly, I don’t want them to unblock me though… I wasn’t following them for a reason. I’m pro-blocking those you feel you need to… Even if its someone who doesn’t follow you, you are entitled to that!👀😬

There is so much going on, on so many levels all over the country in social justice circles… This week I have started following the instinct and move of SPIRIT, and started to just block some of these people I know are just talking shit about me, and many others… These type of white folks empowered by respectable knee-grows and BLACK opportunism; pretending to be allies are the very ones Malcolm X and Dr. King spoke about. For the longest, I didn't think their shadiness was a big deal, because most people are shady… But then I started to see how they were operating and ganging up…I then realized I had been ignoring the unction to shut them down…Now that I am being obedient to this unction; I feel much better… More peace online too, coincidence? Nah!  I haven’t weeded everyone out yet, as I’ve stated before, but my eyes are wide open, and I will also allow my discernment to guide me more… It really does take spiritual fortitude to decipher through a lot of this mess.

So… There is so much to say, and I have already made this blog too long… I may come with a part two next week, but let me leave you with this: Everything is going to be revealed! Every thing that has been hidden will have light shone upon it now… From Ferguson to everywhere else in this country that folks gather to move against this racist system… Where some have done dirt, so many other hearts truly want change, and are unaware of the underworking’s around them… All of it will be dealt with! I feel so much Ancestral Energy lately… I know they are not pleased… I know the CREATOR has a plan and will move. To separate justice from Divinity, is to deny these winds that now blow… And ABBA,IMA, GREAT ONE… May they blow & may we be able to build once we see clearly! R.I.Power King Darren Seals, MarShawn McCarrel, Matthew Williams, and every other freedom fighter that has lost their life, or battles to live during this current wave of our struggle… I love you ALL! Ashe’!

In Unashamed Négritude & Revolutionary Love,

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