Sunday, January 29, 2017

I Bow to the Nigiste Nigist in You…

Every single day I am reminded that this world does not value
BLACK life. It’s an all encompassing truth that wearies soul… It’s disrespectful and it seems to mock our every breath with its choice to always care for everyone and everything, with great concern and much energy…Everything that isn’t BLACK, that is… And it’s a shameful sort of sense that a radical as myself feels, because deep down it does hurt… Both to admit it does and to be present in its piercing truth… I surrender all… Not to those who give zero fucks about me and my people, but to my own frailty and weakness. There is strength still and I will alchemize it somehow, this I know.

Last week, I expressed one angle of this reality in response to the Women’s March on Washington…All these white women coming out the wood work suddenly…Suddenly they are pressed because they may be affected by unfair treatment under trump( I will not capitalize his name)… Their sudden alertness an ever revolting reminder, that people always make a way for things that are most important to them—BLACK Folks blood gushing and nuanced oppression isn’t one of those things, obviously.

And today, I wake up to more news of the orange demon being hellish towards Muslims with a ban, making entering the country very difficult for them. Folks with green cards and midair when he made this decision were unable to enter the country at first. Thankfully, so many have gone into immediate action on their behalf: Judges, BLACK Caucus members, orgs like ACLU, protesters, etc… The countries evil-carotene chose to ban and those he didn’t choose to ban; this shows there is racial & economic bias coming from all angles… It’s just a mess. The ban includes 7 countries and will last at least 90 days, and Refugees are banned for 4 months thus far. Though I am glad to see the protests swell and the help and solidarity coming in from very side, it again reminds me that no one comes to this sort of aid for BLACK People… Ever. What should I say? I just don’t know.

I could go on and on, but I don’t want to. This week I want to uplift BLACK women and girls and remind us that we are worthy, we are regal, we are magical… All of us in all of our nuanced glory. As some of you know I am an author amongst other things. One of my Published works is a collection of poetry entitled: Nigiste Nigist: Ancestral, Present & Forever Entangled. It is BLACKNESS through my lens—Very authentic, powerful, vulnerable. So what is a Nigiste Nigist you ask? I will copy part of the preface from my book below, to answer this question:

Nigiste Nigist is a phrase taken directly from the ancient Abyssinian (Ethiopian) language of Ge'ez. Ge'ez is the mother tongue of many Semitic Languages, including the current and official language of modern Ethiopia: Amharic. Many recognize the word Negus, which means “King” in Ge'ez. Naturally, Nigist is the feminine version of this word, meaning “Queen.” 
So Nigiste Nigist literally means “ Queen of Kings” or more plainly, a Queen/Woman who rules in her own right. This means that she did not marry to become the ruler of an empire; she ascended the throne just like a man would, or because she was the best for the job. It means her status as woman was not the validating or invalidating factor of her ascension... It wasn't the masculine presence that “made” her. A Nigiste Nigist can stand alone in her own power if she so chooses. This is the embodiment of who I am, and many other BLACK Women as well.

For a considerable number of BLACK Women in Feminist & Womanist circles, being called a “queen” has become synonymous with BLACK Men who have a misogynoir mindset. Men who want to call us queens, and then rule over us, and demean our power to become and be and do. A way to put chains, where we should be free... A way to practice the form of patriarchy that was brought to our conscious by European enslavers and land nabber's, under the complicated guise of being “woke.”

I've personally decided, that I will not allow the misguided and obtuse, to stop me from remembering... Remembering that the ancient, and not so ancient rulers of various nations of Africa, were fierce warrior women. Strategists, highly intelligent, powerfully feminine, rightfully cut throat and measured, nation savers and makers: Goddesses! They were not weak and they were, in most cases, not prohibited from using their talents based off their blessed status as women. They were respected, and they were revered because of their capabilities. 

Black Women, we have all of this and more in us still today... It is in our DNA. I find that Nigiste Nigist, queen, empress, or any other royal designation; they are terms of empowerment and remembrance to me, though I do understand and respect  some women feel some sort of way about such terms. To me, they exemplify the amazing Divine nature of BLACK Women, showing our ability to be and do everything; including the sacred rites that only we are immersed in. 

I do not see it as a hierarchy of you ruling over me and vice versa. I do, however, understand that royals had an exalted position over the people throughout history. I see royal titles, in our collective case whilst shipwrecked on these Amerikkkan shores, in terms of the exalted honor we have as the originators of all humans... A collective governing that requires us to not only reclaim, but to responsibly take charge and lead in truth and integrity. After all, Patriarchy as we know it today, is new to African Peoples in the scope of history's time continuum.

When we as Black People of variance, are experiencing so much hatred based on who we are, reminding ourselves about our “highness”, as Queens and Kings in the right context, can be very soothing to our soul health. I believe that it invokes remembrance... Truth... Helps us keep going and keep our heads in the high position that they should have never been lowered from.

Being exiled here in our now home Amerikkka, is definitely interesting. We live here... We're use to being here, but our heartbeat cadence and our soul rhythms tell us we are not home, well at least that is how I feel, how about you? Our Ancestors, with their highly educated and royal-esque ways were enslaved and brought to work these stolen lands. This hurt is still in our DNA, and the hatred of the enslaver is still in the DNA of those who continue, by choice, to propagate the systematic hatred, that bridles our souls from speaking clearly and authentically.

So…Now that I have explained Nigiste Nigist and what it means to me, let me offer you this song entitled: Rhapsody Nigist & music tribute video from my melanated heart to yours… A sort of anthem to remind us and encourage us, because baby…We are all we got! It is a tribute to every part of our womanhood, to those we have lost, to those who have stood, to those who have cried, to those who have made a way out of no way, to those mentor and restore those around them…This is for all of us.


In Unashamed Négritude & Revolutionary Love,


Copyright © ORIT 2017

All Rights Reserved

Sunday, January 22, 2017

White Pussy Supremacy Hitchhiking on the Waves of BLACK Struggle

I sighed within myself, but I certainly wasn’t surprised the moment I first started hearing rumblings about a “Million
Woman March” on Washington; following the election of the demon in orange they like to call a Trump. They of course were forced to change the name of this event to the Women’s March, after understandable outcry about white women swooping in to use the symbolic power of historic BLACK demonstrations (E.g. The Million Man & Woman Marches) for their use, whilst never en masse including BLACK Women and girls, or other women and girls of color, in their feminist agendas—Demanding access to the power we create and exude, but not willing to acknowledge that we have it worse than they do; a fact they hate most. They absolutely detest attention being spent on the unique and oppressive issues that we face as BLACK Women which they ignore, minimize, and retort as sacrifices at the alter of the white pussy… Now that her pussy is threatened: she demonstrates, she’s outraged, she’s inconsolable; emotions most like her have never been moved to feel concerning us BLACK Women and girls or other women of color. Yet when the white pussy rises, she demands BLACK & Nbpoc align and fight for what she says is “all of us” but in reality; it’s just her that she is concerned with.

It is a normal occurrence in feminist circles, to centralize the frailty of white women; as more important than the actual oppression of BLACK People and white women’s role in that oppression. I don’t align with mainstream feminism at all. Instead I align with the warmth of BLACK Woman centered ideology, that builds BLACK community and liberation for ALL our people; innate and nuanced to the Nubian Soul avec ORIGINAL running through our veins: Womanism. Funny thing is, it was white women who elected orange demon… So why are they not checking each other on this?

Y’all know how it is and white folks who are honest will agree: If an issue doesn’t affect white people directly or benefits them in some way, they pretend it doesn’t exist; chiding anyone who dare call them out for not acknowledging the truths others must face daily. But now that the thing they call a Trump has stirred this sea of white women, to finally care enough to organize against the taking of rights that they care about… All the while being deafeningly silent as BLACK People have been perpetually killed by state-sanctioned (through approval of and inaction) police terrorists, the obvious nuanced and all encompassing white supremacy and privilege that hangs over us as BLACK People(s) both here and abroad, and their personal  and collective roles in the continuance of white supremacy.

Trump is a hot ass mess, no doubt about it. The mistake is in thinking that a “nasty woman” Hillary would have been better. Though admittedly, Hillary hides her racism so much better than Trump desires. Trump is Amerikkka in the flesh… He is the most honest projection of this stolen lands concealed and blatant tyranny. He is the embodiment of white supremacy…He is Amerikkka. The Amerikkka everyone tries to pretend went away a long time ago, but nah bish' it’s still here as a shape-shifting version of its perpetual self… A land stolen that ironically has the word “united” in its designation. Hillary would have continued the agenda of the empire as she has done for decades as former secretary of state and first lady… HRC’s defaming belittling, beguiling, and burdening of BLACK and Brown communities all over the globe; with her shot calling of death, alienation, and sabotage to name a few—This is not something to ever overlook! Thing is, a Hillary presidency would most assuredly put BLACK People back to sleep, many of whom haven’t awakened from an Obama stupor, but are slightly more alert because of a Trump blatancy… Sad to say. So as BLACK Folk, we stay screwed because we are so intoxicated from our oppression, which doesn’t allow many of us to acknowledge the truth and fight in a way that would truly liberate our people.

Trump: a pedophile, a misogynist, and an all around openly hateful man has threatened the white pussy, and not even he can get away with that without a fight. For the most part, white women are fighting to not be second to white men, and for body autonomy. They could careless about how issues they don’t face affect those said goals, or how the guarantee of attainability for BLACK and other women of color won’t come when it does for them. They want to be equal coconspirators in white supremacy, not abolish it…That is their agenda. They know damn well if they get paid equal with men or shake off the rampant and all encompassing misogyny white men rule by; BLACK Women won’t be faring as well as them because of the racism we face from white men and women… And white women give zero fucks about this inequity, whilst always screaming:“Equality, equality!”

White feminists just want your and my BLACK ass to help them champion for their rights, under a faux solidarity illusion. It has always been thus. Orange demon has been elected, and again I must reiterate ’twas white women who made that happen… And now white women, mostly liberals; they’re enraged because of a Trump presidency... Enraged now, but  A-okay with Hillary’s demonizing of Black Folk from Amerikkka to Haiti, and/or the police terrorizing the BLACK community in Amerikkka relentlessly…That’s A-okay to these “pink pussy” hat wearing white women. And admittedly, many BLACK People chose her (HRC) over the cries of those trying to combat white supremacy. I’m not a Bernie fan, by the way… He ain’t all that he seems. However, it must be noted that had HRC & all of those in cahoots with her not stole the primary; Bernie would have easily beat orange demon.

Alas, ‘twas our BLACK Gatekeepers and Olders (not to be confused with elders); they wouldn’t listen to their progeny who have been out fighting the system (with little support mostly because many olders are part of the system) and risking their bodies daily—They chided BLACK youth freedom fighters; choosing HRC over their radical progeny… Very sad indeed. I don’t subscribe to lesser of two evils train of thought, and neither does the Universe. Neither orange demon or nasty woman were good candidates, but honestly until we totally dismantle this system that dictates peoples action and inaction; no one will ever be for us… Especially us BLACK People who literally have made Amerikkka what it is today, through our forced capturing and enslavement—Amerikkka’s “greatness” depends on preventing BLACK People from healing and thriving… If our collective self esteem raises itself to its rightful place; white supremacy will be the serpent whose head will finally be crushed.

Evil europeans forcefully captured our Ancestors, and forced them to build this empire; something europeans were unable to do on their own. They captured the strongest and most intelligent African Peoples that they could; dehumanized and committed genocide upon them, took away their beautiful cultures, and used these beautifully BLACK African Peoples( our Ancestors) they broke down, to build on what was once the land of the Indigenous. Nothing built on sinking sand will last… Nothing gained by ill means will stand. I want my BLACK People to know that our Ancestors built this country, and we can easily tear down its tyranny and erect something better in its place... If only we will unite with one another, and culturally educate and empower ourselves…If only.

Please, do not be confused and stir yourself actively and astutely aware; Oompa Loompa’s are facing much hatred and discrimination right now because of that thing they call a Trump. As many of you know, the Oompa Loompa Peoples have spoken out on several occasions against that vile-carotene projection of universal waste that they call the new president of Amerikkka the always been ugly… He is not in any way descended from or connected to their people. So everyone, please stop being so bigoted against the dear Oompa Loompa’s, especially if you want chocolate to be fairly priced. Dark chocolate is an actual need for some folks like myself, who find its mood stabilizing and enhancing properties to be marrow unto my muthafuckin’ bones🙃

Yeah, I don’t know where that came from… My smart azz satire aside, let’s get down to the happenings of yesterday(1/21/17) and what I observed from the Women’s March(es). First off, I vowed not to attend or participate in any of the global “sister marches” because I have no tolerance at this point for faux solidarity, white tears, and erasure of my and my BLACK sisters complex struggles. I did, however, spend hours watching livestream of the main march in DC, and caught glimpses of other marches being held all over. It was important for me to witness and see what happened and what didn’t…If I was right or wrong to feel as I did before this event had actualized. I feel my preemptive instinct matches the sentiments I felt while watching everything yesterday. Many BLACK Women who actually participated in DC and other places mirror my sentiments, and some don’t. Though some BLACK Women will say it was great, I realize that many innocently do not realize when they are being ridden/used, which is understandable.

P.S. I  have put in plenty of work in the past trying to educate white folks who simply want to argue and not acknowledge their shit; I am far removed from that now… Like, I have no patience for the fake inquiry so they can deny and defend white supremacy, and how they aid in its continuance. Anyone who truly wants to learn and do right, will…They will listen, and I am not trying to get anyone to understand or love BLACKNESS… They say understanding builds bridges; but that’s under the assumption that folks want to understand. Many white people do not want to understand because they do not want to change…They just want their comfort. All I care about is my people realizing who we are, healing ourselves, building for ourselves, and transcending… Any non-black person who says they love BLACK People and care about our lives; they will work to eradicate the anti-blackness in their communities… PERIOD!

I was soul-vexed when seeing all the calls to join the Women’s March over the last few weeks….From jump, my inward self squirmed and my side-eye stayed on alert. Why? Because I am oft disturbed watching what stirs people to action and what doesn’t… BLACK Folk could never get the response/solidarity that the Women’s March did, and our actual blood flows in the streets daily. Nowadays, I am more careful about not setting myself up to be in draining situations… Knowing your ass really don’t matter in a situation is traumatic for me and many other BLACK Women. Just because white folks suddenly say: “Come on guys, let’s unite!”— An authentic unification, this does not make. 

Happenings about white women not wanting to check their privilege as they started planning this Women’s March, started to surface early on and never stopped. Not at all surprising… We have to revisit this subject perpetually in life, and it has yet to get better… Reports of white women throwing hissy fits that BLACK & other Nbpoc were demanding they address their erasure of our issues; it was causing all sorts of rifts because white women, for the most part were/are only fighting for the parts of them that they feel threatened about because of Trump; dats it… That’s what stirred them to want to march. White Pussy Supremacy at its most potent! Personally, I didn’t get why so many BLACK Women were even allowing their nerves to be rocked, but understood some may need to be there/in the mix to speak truths about white supremacy amongst white feminists.

Evidence of this extreme lack of empathy and inclusion was also in the individual interviews I saw of white women who flocked to DC( I watched online) yesterday…Those pulled from this mostly sea of white women for an interview kept saying the same reasons why they came to protest Trump. Those issues they spoke of were all centered around abortion rights, LGBT rights, immigration,Water Rights…All important, yet not nere' one of these white women in the interviews I saw, expressed that they were scared for how orange demon will affect BLACK People.

And honestly, why should these self proclaimed nasty women who wear pink pussy hats ( yeah, I laughed too) talk about police brutality or systematic oppression in nuance, when they are hugging and high-5ing the police in the crowds for their permit sanctioned Women’s March? Why should liberals talk about police brutality or systematic oppression in nuance, when Obama perpetually exemplified cops lives mean more than BLACK Lives…SELAH—————- SMMFDH! Ugh! That was so nauseating for me to watch, a police brutality survivor… And what about all of the BLACK Women killed by cops? Trump promises to further empower the oinks, as Obama has done with executive orders and blue alert law… So yeah, I know who many of these white women are…They are the same ones that would shout “all lives and/or blue lives matter” from their cars as we mourned the lives of our slain sisters and brothers, and took to the streets to protest… Yeah I know them, and I be damned if I march beside them when their heart is set on only fighting for them under the guise of faux unity and an alienating girl power.

Now, I did see a few white women holding space for BLACK issues with their signs in different places throughout the country, but a sign is just a sign…What more will you do on the daily? During the DC rally, which I watched in full, a few white women did make a slight mention about BLACK oppression…But many of the white speakers talked down on “division” which was code for: “ If y’all BLACK women don’t shut up and fall inline, our white pussies are threatened for damn sake!” Hispanic actress America Ferrara had the same shades about “division” in her speech as well. There were even a few BLACK speakers who were so establishment and nauseating, I see why white feminists get out of pocket so much; especially when BLACK Women give them the okay by watering down our issues.

I will say, their was a slight radical presence there, thank the Ancestors! A few of our BLACK Women did an outstanding job getting on stage and telling the truth for what it was…I especially like when one of the BLACK organizers told the crowd of mostly white, that they now are feeling what BLACK Women have always felt…”Welcome to our world!” That was dope! I was told from folks there that the reason many white women started marching before the rally was over, was not just because they were antsy, but because they didn’t want to hear our truths.There were some BLACK Women in the crowd holding signs calling out white feminists and white supremacy simultaneously, and I was here for it! Mostly I saw white women with their pink “pussy hats” and calling themselves nasty women like they were at some rock concert. References and praises of HRC their lord and savior kept being reiterated on stage and from those attending…This shit was just…No! I realize many BLACK Women are liberals, but not me…I am not tied to this system at all. I advocate it be dismantled. I’m an Ancestralist…I’m listening to the Ancestors, trying to get our people free from tyranny; heeding and tuning into their ever-evolving wisdom and sentiments. I’m more like Harriet… I ain’t got no time for the shits and I am very action-oriented….Fuck the democrats, republicans, the greens and the whole system…It’s guilty as hell and must end. *readjusts my halo*🤣 Don’t forget, do not piss off the Oompa Loompa’s, I need my dark chocolate for reasons…LMAO

So… As I tell folks all the time, solidarity between/with other folks would be so clutch, but I have never seen in history or from my very own experiences; where people are not always trying to silence BLACK struggle or hold on to their anti-Blackness, whilst riding the power of BLACK symbolism. I need that to not be a thing anymore… I cannot in good conscience play this game where I put my/our BLACKNESS to the side, knowing those we join with are not going to swoop back around and have our backs, after they get what they want from our power. And why we gotta come last? Hell nah! We have to start loving ourselves and knowing our worth better than that! I cannot do this shit anymore, and if we are smart, we will stop allowing our issues to be watered down for the sake of a faux solidarity that won’t nourish us.

If anyone went to any of these interconnected marches yesterday in order to represent unapologetic BLACKNESS, your presence was important so that these white women don’t get comfortable… But if you went as a BLACK Woman to join other women in a unity that doesn’t really include all of your most pressing issues, past the generic half acknowledgments that won’t be included/considered after the fact… By the 100's of groups/orgs that swooped on the mall yesterday… I ask you my dear sister, please contemplate deeply and know that you are worthy to be more than an afterthought, that you are worthy to be more than a mule for the rights of those you keep carrying but don’t ever carry you. Ask yourself why, and if this is best for you and our people.

Copyright © ORIT 2017

All Rights Reserved

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Compassion and when the Virtue Leaves our Hands: The Healing Work Needed for BLACK Liberation to Actualize.

BLACK People… Those of us in Northern Amerikkka, those of us in Southern & Central Amerikkka, those of us in Europe, Oceania, Asia and those of us still on the mother continent of Alkebulan (Africa) from which we all originate—We who have original flowing through our veins; we are in need of miracle(s)…Just to psychologically break free from every chain clinching our necks, wrists, and ankles due to oppression… Impeding our various attempts at an all encompassing liberation. Quite frankly, we need individual and collective inward miracles just to have the vision, clarity, and determination to regain parts of our souls that have been lost: The Ancestral DNA  that we carry, and the weight and trauma of our current living on this planet… We need healing.

A similarity that I find throughout the various ethnicities and cultures of BLACKNESS throughout the planet; we seem to share similar internalization of the toxicity of oppression from colonialism & systematic oppression in nuance. Mostly from europeans of course, though NBPOC (Non-BLACK People of Color) have had their turns at oppressing various BLACK Peoples as well.

An example of NBPOC oppression? Right now as I type, the Indonesian colonization, genocide, & land grab of West Paupa and her beautiful indigenous BLACK/AFRICAN Peoples(Melanesians), has increased in its intensity. The world is silent, and the United Nations is culpable in many ways. I have been learning a lot about the West Papuan Freedom Struggle the past 50 years, firsthand from a Papuan; right now the situation is intensifying. To learn more about the West Papuan struggle, and how you can raise awareness/pressure on their behalf, please follow: @PurePapua  on Twitter. He is a BLACK Indigenous West Papuan, who has had family killed by this Indonesian Regime, and he is a frontline freedom fighter in their struggle. He can really detail to you more of what has happened, and what is happening still.

There is an increasing number of self aggrandizing scholarly BLACK Folk, who love to argue that BLACK struggle in Amerikkka cannot be compared for similarities; to that of other BLACK Peoples and Nations and Struggles throughout the globe. I repudiate that anyone could push this, but then I realize that some, no matter where they received their degrees, or what letters are behind their name; a good number have little experience &/or sensitivity to the people they claim expertise over. I also know some scholarly BLACK Folks who haven’t been many places/had many experiences, yet they still have the ability to see deeper and go deeper than many of their peers. Then I know some who have been places/had experiences, but were/are too arrogant to accept the truth of the people living right in front of them, in order to stay true to what they want to believe and put out into the world. Then there are the rare experienced, knowledgeable, and humble BLACK Scholars that are truly treasures… They not only know how to teach, they also know how to listen and relearn. They create newness where it is needed, and care about truth over career advancement or academic politics. They are radical thinkers and doers, motivated from a deep love.

So what’s the difference between these Four? Eurocentrized academia’s degree of hold on the psyche is the difference. Eurocentrized academia becomes the religion of some BLACK Scholars, and instead of learning it whilst still thinking for themselves; many resign to eurocentric thought as the highest truth, which leads to misinformation and visionless declarations for BLACK Communities…Why do those hinged to eurocentrized academia become the voices of our people? Because these type of BLACK Scholars speak in the language and accepted theories, that the oppressor falsely associates with intelligence and “good knee-growisms.” Also, many in our community use this same oppressive logic, as a bar of legitimacy—Associating seeming acceptance through these eurocentrized BLACK Scholars, with progress against systematic oppression, and rightful analysis about BLACK Communities.

BLACK Scholars who try to sell the idea that the reality of white supremacy, european colonization, and systematic oppression on BLACK People(s) isn’t intertwined globally; this is due to their eurocentrized theories that they have based their entire life in academia, and their own sense of self legitimacy around. Folks want money, prestige and will compromise in any way to get it. Some are afraid they’ll be blackballed or not get tenure if they go against the grain. I get it…Why it happens and why some feel pressured to compromise. Me getting “the why” does not make it any less prideful, and the wrong type of circular—It harms and stagnates not just them, but the community.

I have engaged folks who are so married to theories with gaping holes in them, and to their unbalanced ego; because they have based their come up and/or reputation around said theories—Things I can say with certainty, that were missing important pieces, or that were just dead ass wrong; since I am a person who had experienced said issue first hand. Pride won’t allow eurocentrized BLACK Scholars to admit they are wrong or hear anyone out; they want robotic yes people who blindly accept what they dish out. Too many folks who pride themselves on being scholarly are so colonized in their thinking, that I have seen many  turn their nose up at brilliant minds who did not go through their mode of education, or who do not (whether purposely or through not being acquainted) speak the current pop verbiage of the moment.

Being “in” with popular academic thought as the primary goal; this is detrimental to individual and collective soul health of BLACK Peoples. Often scholarly folks who are too afraid to even engage the people on a face to face, day to day basis; they are oft chosen as spokespeople for the people they study from afar which is problematic AF—This does not help at all. These same arrogant eurocentrized BLACK scholars come with their theories, and spread them as the voice and experience of the people they haven’t gotten to know. Instead of humbling themselves and asking the community if they would like to speak on their own behalf… Instead humbling themselves by allowing someone from the community who lives the experiences to be taken to speak their truth in various settings/venues when they receive the opportunity… Instead of humbling themselves by deferring to the lived expertise of the community members themselves; these eurocentrized BLACK scholars choose to mute truth in order to amplify ego… Their ego.

The weird and sadly comical thing is this; many others and myself have been institutionally educated as well. They are not the only ones, but they operate as if they are; especially if you think outside the box and refuse to be in a polygamous situation; by also being married to eurocentrized academia. 

Folks assume a lot… And you know what they say about assumptions. One of the worst presumptions I know of is this idiotic idea that those who weren’t institutionally educated, don’t know as much/not as intellectual as those who were; which is elitist and just plain ignorant! This colonized way of thinking is stifling to our collective growth and transcendence. There are so many ways to become educated, scholarly, intellectually fluid. And do not mistake my purpose in saying all of this, and miss what I am purposely chiseling away at… Reading and study is crucial for ALL of our people. What I am attacking is snobbery and eurocentrized thought being applied to Pan-African problems as the goto refuge. I am challenging how we think, how we see one another, how we receive information and apply that information to our communities… I am encouraging and doing my part to break the fallow ground in our individual and collective subconscious, so that we can begin to plant seeds that will grow into healing plants… Healing, yes healing.

I’ve mentioned to you a few times that I am a healer and warrioress, but how so? Well, for me it means that my hands warm up like a space heater at times… When this happens I can touch folks and they physically, emotionally, and/or spiritually realign/release what is weighing them down. For me, healing also means that I serve people… Aiding them holistically… From physical to spiritual needs; seeing what they need even if they don’t know how to ask. For me healing also means that I intercede on behalf of others, tap into SPIRIT so holy, and be a conduit willing to send more of what is needed; even from far away. For me, healing also means healing myself, recharging myself, loving myself…Taking time to introspect and clean up myself, so that I can be of service to others and become a better human. Healing, no matter in which way it must be done or needs to come through; healing means listening and healing means compassion.

I remember reading about Yeshua’s compassion and miracles. I don’t think there was one miracle that is written about that he was not first moved by compassion. “And the whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue(power) out of him, and healed them all.” This is so powerful and relatable to me.Think about it! Perhaps you are a healer and can relate to how you feel, energy wise, after you have given of that purified energy within you. Imagine having so much compassion in you, not contrived, not turned on or off, but just a state of being where people could be affected for the good; just by being in your presence, or by shaking your hand. I know this is possible, because there are folks who do have that affect on people… Even when they are not popular or even liked by some.

Stubbornly religious folks don’t like me, and maybe that is how it should be… I’m a very unorthodox, and high Truth as it is revealed to me, is a continual happening in my life—I am forever learning and know so little; continually relearning and sometimes it is a bit nerve racking… Expanding… Growing…Evolving. Moving in and being open to SPIRIT is my main rule.

Some of the work I do in my community makes me sometimes have to be around a lot of Western Christians, who happen to have zero tolerance for folks unlike themselves. Sometimes it makes me want to quit, and maybe I will reassign myself one day soon from this one area I am involved when the time is right *smile*, but first let me tell you what they hate most about me: They see Light in me, they see how I deal with folks in our community and the patience I exude…This bothers them because I am not of their grouping… I am not good enough in their eyes. No discernment, just petty assumptions.

I’ve witnessed them showing nasty attitudes with folks we are serving, and bringing those “churchy attitudes” into the space…You know the attitudes not of SPIRIT that make people feel unwelcome and unloved… Detrimental type shit, yeah that. I’ve overheard them whispering about whether I was a Muslim because I’m always wearing head wraps…What African Women don’t wear head wraps? *rolls eyes* Just really ignorant ass Ohio stuff. We have some really willfully ignorant people here… The kind that think protest is violent and hateful and against Dr. King, and that speaking out against tyranny is violent…Ugh! Folks who think radical, and the fact that I am so, is some sort of sin. It’s kinda depressing living here…For real. And by the way, If I were Muslimah, I’d be proud to be and should feel welcome in a space where we’re SERVING and building the community, right? My community has so many different BLACK cultures, yet the ignorance is sky high… It’s baffling. And let’s not even talk about how they have already chased away some Muslims who used to come out to serve and build. Yeshua was not like this, but these particular Christians ( p.s. I actually do know some very nice & spiritual Christians by the way) swear they are the only ones who can represent Him *blank stare* SMDH!  Truth be told, all of these religions out here… So far away from the original teachings…Who told any of us to form religions? Spirituality is a way of life, religion is a way of stagnation. I wonder, when did human rules become sins to the CREATOR? 🤔

These particular folks see how people I have never met are drawn to me, and they think that shouldn’t be because I don’t speak their brand of verbiage and religiosity. I live my Spirituality; I don’t turn it off and on like a light switch. Some of these particular folks just watch me with nasty looks on their faces, while my light and healing vibe continue to exude, ‘cause I ain’t no punk, nor am I shook. Truthfully though, sometimes it does bother me, because I am quietly doing my part and folks are so hateful. I have feelings; I’m not made of stone. I guess I’m a stumbling block to certain types of people. Let’s be honest: I’m blunt AF, I speak truths no one sleep walking wants to hear, I am different, I have gifts/talents, I’m cute, I’m intelligent, I’m confident and hold me head up high…I have a low tolerance for bullshit, I don’t conform to the crowd or groupthink, I don’t brown nose or pretend to like folks that I don’t… I’m a nightmare for most people, I get it…LMAO. And of all my beautiful qualities that I didn’t name, these qualities that I did name are stumbling blocks…Even when I am not saying a word… Go figure!

Thing is, I have confronted some folks who treat me bad, asking them if I have done anything to offend them because I truly am ready to listen. They always say no, yet still treat me like shit. Can y’all explain that…What is that?  Ok, yes, I speak my mind plainly but I also listen. Anyone who has a problem with me can come to me; I’d be happy to hear and amend where necessary. Thing is, no one ever does… Like ever. I look at myself anyway, sometimes too much…. Rehearsing what I did, what I said, if I was wrong…If I see I misstepped, I’ll be the first to admit and amend. I would say I am bothered by folks unexplained vitriol like 8% of the time, but for the other 92% of the time, my Libra Instinct kicks in and I just be straight peaceful in “I don’t give a fuck land.” It’s not that I don’t care about folks, because I’m filled with compassion… Its just that I know my place, I know that kicking up fallow ground is part of who I am, I know most won’t like me all of the time…So, I just bask in the calm assurance that I am comforted with, when I know I have indeed done/been what I am supposed to be/do. Whenever I am out of line in some way, I can’t rest until I make things right.

So, yes I get under the skin of certain types of people; it’s supposed to be…The Universe uses so many things including people, to help us see things about ourselves. Being so sensitive to energy, I pick up on every negative energetic dart anyone attempts to send my way; every single one, both online and offline…Near or far. You don’t have to be anywhere near me for me to know you are trying to send bad intention my way, which is a blessing so that I can protect myself, and I always do😉. Protect and replenish is essential repetition in the life of healers

Having negative energy sent toward me that I have to continually block, whilst trying to listen inwardly so I might attend to people the right way…It’s daunting. These particular folks I mentioned previous from my community are BLACK People, by the way. This situation is a very good example of what we need to amend in our communities, in order to truly get a grasp on a more all encompassing liberation. Imagine if others and myself felt compassion from them, instead of fear and vitriol and snootiness… We’d be unstoppable.

Compassion… It is impossible to make anything authentic happen without it. We can’t be used for the betterment of our communities without true compassion. Compassion is an empathetic love, that facilitates miracles and the desire to heal and be healed. Compassion is that juice… That virtue (power)… That purified energy that is moving from SPIRIT into us to do great works, so that we can meet the needs of the people and ourselves. Compassion equips us in ways we didn’t think we were able, and it gives us Divine understanding into things that affect the lives of others in our community. It’s is the key to a unity that will undoubtedly link us from soul to soul… It will open us up to current conversations of the Ancestors, and humble us all at the same time. What would be impossible for us if we all developed compassion? I dare say nothing!

So how does one develop compassion? You have to want to be a being who wants to begin the journey of being better in every way… This means tapping into SPIRIT. We all need to tap into that speck of THE ONE, THE CREATOR that we all are…Using that speck to guide us to rays; thereby opening up clearer and clearer channels of knowing and guidance.

Something most folks don’t know about me is that a long time ago, I spent a lot of time in solitude and seclusion; tapping into THE ALL THAT IS. This initial tapping in initiated and has led my journey these last almost 14 years. Every level of revelation comes with tests…Unbelievably hard, tiresome; yet awesome. Sometimes I am in awe that I am still here and sound. Tests also come with miracles that deliver to safety when they subside. The compassion and virtue continue to become more and more strengthened, as inward growth inside of us marches onward. Our suffering and tough cultivating experiences ironically empower us to help others from a pure place, and ourselves when its time.

All of this happens according to our life path, Ori(destiny), and work we must accomplish while in this realm of things, in this form. I don’t know what to say if you are not at all spiritual, and think what I am saying is crazy—Just know that you are still welcome here. I could never deny what I have seen and experienced. I can’t pretend I have not been touched by the Divine; remembrance. I cannot pretend that being introduced and accepting of Yeshua has not been dope for me, and because the reality of Him that I have come to know and love, is not the reality of the expression most claim; I can’t along go with popular thought on the subject. I cannot pretend that I haven’t had dreams, open visions, and visitations. I cannot pretend I can’t see past the physical, and tap into divine messages. I cannot pretend I do not understand the Orisha and other Beings… I cannot pretend that Ha Moedim (The Appointed Times) don’t keep me steady and in tune… SPIRIT, she…Yes SHE is all encompassing and I am one with HER. I cannot pretend that THE MOST HIGH is all masculine, when I know THE MOST HIGH is also all feminine. And none of this…NONE OF THIS AT ALL IS A CONTRADICTION. There are no contradictions in the bottomless.

Without my journey being as it has been, I don’t think I would be as developed in my compassion… I don’t think the virtue would leave my hands when it needs to do so. I don’t think I’d be moved to see people and nurture their right now and long term needs. I don’t think I’d be sensitive to peoples pain and suffering. I had to be humbled, and I had to want to be better than I was… I was put in many cultivating experiences to make that happen, and authenticate compassion in me; I can really take no credit but to say… I am still willing, growing, evolving, learning. 

I have to choose everyday… Choose to listen and obey what I know I should do, even when I don’t want to do it. I stumble over my self sometimes, but I get back up. I had to learn and still continue to learn discipline and determination… I get weary, I get fed up with folks and myself; sometimes I need to be and sometimes not. 

So the best way that I can ascertain thus far; to unify and liberate our people on every level… Folks gotta be willing to begin the journey of glowing up from the inside. The Universe will set each person up with everything/experience needed to truly be internally golden, and begin the life long journey of self mastery and betterment. The more we become beings of Light, the more compassion will be in us, so that when we see our brother or sister; we won’t see them with the same eyes we once did…We will be able to have that empathizing love, that virtue(power) emulating from us in such a way that our very presence heals, in every way, everything that needs to be transformed. We are our own liberation if we will do the work inside ourselves to be miracles to our people… It’s time.

In Unashamed Négritude & Revolutionary Love,


Copyright © ORIT 2017

All Rights Reserved

Sunday, January 8, 2017

~When Energy Discernment RawDogs Accidental Celibacy~

I’m sitting here sipping coffee strong enough to salute my Ethiopian Heritage, whilst signaling the invigorating bluish-green jazz notes of my African living in Amerikkka(African-American) tradition; they unapologetically fuse into my current reality on this side of life. I am uber chill right now, relaxed… Listening to Les Nubians, Indie Arie, Floetry, Dwele and other like-vibe gods and goddesses in Neosoul & R&B frequency; adjusting the volume ever so slightly, so that I can listen to my thoughts as they hit the laptop screen. I must admit, smooth jams like these have me a bit distracted… But  don’t worry, I will now zero in on our current convo via the written word, from my heart to yours. I too want to explore what’s going on inside of me—Thoughts and feelings and convictions that I will sincerely visit as I write.

I enjoy blogging because it allows me to visit the roundabouts in my own mind; that I usually don’t make the time to thoughtfully entertain, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Blogging allows me to share with you and myself in an authentic way; I don’t censor what wants to flow out, I tell important truths, I share strategy, I illuminate missed perspectives; hopefully this authentic working of words and messages and truths aids you in your journey, as the process certainly aids me in my own trek, on this thing we call a life.

So, let’s get right to it… I have been accidentally celibate since 2010. I am not a saint, I am not a guru, I am not an extraordinary person possessing something that can’t be cultivated in any willing individual. Yes, it has almost been 7 years since I’ve had “carnal knowledge” with another…LOL—And I truly did not intend for this to happen this way, or for this long…Like, really Universe? 

So… Am I doing this for spiritual reasons? Yes, I AM… But not in the way you may think. My celibacy is accidental because celibacy wasn’t the goal; but rather deciphering who I should be with based off: Discerning the energy between myself and another, the purpose, and if its time…That was/is the focus. I did not ever say to myself: I am not having sex again until I get married. I did however say to myself: I cannot afford to exchange energy with Maliciously Low-Vibing folk, and then become tied/entrapped to it in compromising ways. I chose this as an act of self love and soul nourishment… Preservation and healing… A  fence that always makes me tune myself into the WISDOM of SPIRIT, before I open the gate. Of course, to realize that this way of looking at myself in relation to my Divine Feminine, sexual and intimate energies; I had to experience the great pain and struggle of being ensnared with those I was not supposed to be exchanging energy with in the first place—Had I heeded the warnings.

Maliciously Low-Vibing Energy does not let go of its prey easily, so avoiding it is one of the keys to attempting to stay as balanced as possible. This is why I understand sex after marriage is an ideal concept in some ways, but it lacks depth and focus on energy discernment. Focusing on being careful about the energy we are exchanging with others; this will open us up to our inner leading and SPIRIT, and it will also open us up to the other less explored reasons and needs to powerfully exchange energy in a sexual &/or intimate way. It will cause us to pay attention to early signs in people, that we oft allow ourselves to overlook, because we want what we want when we want it. Energy discernment will also prevent us, if we will discipline ourselves in this way, from a lot of heartache. I didn’t say it wouldn’t be challenging…I am, by nature, a very sensual person so I get it’s challenging. I’ve just realized, through experience, that my peace and preservation of my being, is far more important than a good fuck.

I know many religions push waiting for marriage for sex, and I am not saying this is bad at all; though few accomplish it. I would like to be married one day, but marriage does not set the standard on this topic for me, which I will further explore as we continue. Some who are burdened with having to remain virginal, even go so far as to only do anal sex before marriage, or have a plastic surgeon make them a new hymen in order to keep up with “virginal appearances.” If marriage leaves out the discernment of energy health and compatibility, what are we really dealing with here? *sips coffee* 

I do think that many just don’t understand how the CREATOR sees sexuality, intimacy, and sensuality; because of the indoctrination of human biases, and the refusal to study for oneself. Just look at, for example, the burden of “honor” being placed solely upon women and girls… Just look at, for example, the limited perspectives folks have about the many amazing reasons that sex and intimacy is here for us to utilize, and to enjoy outside of just procreation. Also, many people do not acknowledge that a lot of what they believe in relation to religion and sex; is based off of European influences, misogyny, and purposeful mistranslations. Religions stemming from the Tanakh(The Bible) come from culture(s) that are absolutely NOT European. Yet the European version is what prevails and miseducates in many ways. 

There is no Hebrew word for fornication, only adultery. Fornication is a Greek/Christian concept. In those ancient days, if a man had sex with a woman who he had not gone through the formal betrothal process with, he would have to pay a fine to her father, and take the girl as a wife or concubine. Ancient Hebraic Women did have the right during the official betrothal ceremony only, to agree to the marriage and to make demands that would be placed in a marriage contract (Ketubah). If a man raped or had sex with a girl outside of there being an official agreement, she was obligated to marry the man without the benefit of negotiations. Yes, there were wedding celebrations—7 day feasts, but the marriage was considered complete only when the cloth with the woman’s hymen blood was waved before the people to prove she was a virgin…Cute, right?(that was sarcasm)

Let’s explore this a bit further in the story of Ya’acov, Rachel & Lay’ah—A Threesome of sorts. Ya’acov(Jacob) loved Rachel and wanted to marry her, and her father verbally agreed to this. Problem is, Rachel was younger than her sister Lay’ah(Leah), and older sisters married first in their culture. So their father Laban tricked Jacob on their wedding night, and made Lay’ah(who was veiled according to tradition) actually sneak in Rachel’s place. Jacob didn’t realize he had sexed the wrong sister until the light of morning. His having sex with Lay’ah made them legally married.

Jacob did not love Lay’ah, but was now legally obligated to her. Eventually Laban let Jacob marry Rachel too… The one Jacob was most in sync with, the one he loved, the one he was energetically in tuned with. Jacob and Rachel had a totally complimentary exchange in energy, desire, purpose…But Lay’ah, she wasn’t loved. Think what that was like for her. They were “married” legally…She was the first wife with the most benefits in the natural, but realistically and spiritually, Lay’ah was in the worst situation. I imagine that every time Jacob went to exchange energy with her during sex, his disdain for her reenergized itself throughout her entire being. He slept with her out of obligation. This had to be super toxic. 

The story tells us that the only solace that Lay’ah had, was that she was blessed with fertility. Rachel, the most loved one, struggled in this area. Eventually though, Rachel did have two children, and she was happy and blessed because she was loved by their husband whether she gave birth( a very important thing in those times) or not. Jacob even favored Rachel’s children above the children Lay’ah gave him. Can you imagine being in such a situation? Think of all the healing and pleasure Lay’ah never experienced through sex, and the lack of intimacy she must have craved. Think of all of Lay’ah’s inward trauma having to lose her virginity in such a tricky way— I truly shutter. Every time Jacob entered Lay’ahs sacred temple, she took on his hatred in energetic form…Can you imagine? Lay’ah had no choice, but most of us do. I say “most” because there are still women and girls being forced into marriages in 2017…May they be freed from this torment—Ashe’! 

Most of us are able to, without outside influence; discern who we should be entangled with, and we should not be entangled with. We can discern what is best and most compatible with our inner Divine, and what is not if we so choose. Funny thing is, many times we choose to be Lay’ah ( no matter gender/orientation) for so many reasons; mostly stemming from insecurity, fear of being alone, and just wanting to have some sex that physically satisfies; even if it spiritually diminishes. There doesn’t even have to be third party complicating things like the one in the story. It could just be that we are compromising our inward sacred to temporarily fill a hole within us—Settling until we find who is truly meant for us to exchange energy with, not realizing we’re dwindling our own self esteem every time we go against this inner unction and warning to not proceed.

But say, let’s not get it twisted… Many people marry the wrong somebody because they are not paying attention to the vibrational signs being sent on every level. This happens in non-marriage romantic relationships as well. Yes beloved, being married will not automatically save us  from the wrong energy exchange… People get with &/or marry the wrong somebody everyday; sometimes a few different wrong somebodies in a lifetime. No shade, but what if we paid closer attention in the beginning to our intuition, and believed the energy coming from the other person when it presented itself—Whether it is compatible, vampire-ish, or in need of a bridge before intimate exchange can occur…What if? What if a relationship didn’t last,YET there was inward evidence in both souls, that it was the right exchange for the time that it was, and that going separate ways in goodwill is the fruit of that shared truth? What if??? This is why I feel we shouldn’t use marriage as the marker of doing it “right” in this area…There is so much more required.

I have found that I have to be careful in my energy exchange, in sexual and intimate situations…Both can get me caught up in all the wrong ways if I am not taking in everything I am being shown. You don’t have to physically touch someone to touch their soul or exchange your energy wth them. Romantic intimacy has many levels and expressions, and on its deeper levels, it can be mind blowing.

Look, I had a situation that woke me up to this realization about energy discernment, and my carelessness of it. I was in a situation where the man I loved with my whole heart and I were deeply intimate but not sexual…The intimacy was the strongest I have ever experienced, yet the energy exchange was very very off. It wasn’t until much later that I realized that the energy he was exchanging with me was l Maliciously Low-Vibing… So low-vibing that is was detrimental for me to take in. Sometimes you may not realize that is what is happening, but it is all the same. Exchanging with Maliciously Low-Vibing Energy left me feeling depleted, sad, lonely, and vibrationally disempowered.

Focusing on energy discernment; this is more thorough to me because it will prevent me from going too deep with the wrong people. Sex and intimacy with another soul has many beautiful reasons and benefits; which is why I find high truth in being careful with whom I exchange energy with. In the same way certain men have sperm that will throw of the ph of certain women’s vagina; so it is with certain energies being exchanged with your own; different ones will affect you differently and its imperative to pay attention from the beginning to avoid unnecessary trouble and heartache.

So you may be wondering what exactly is Maliciously Low-Vibing Energy? I mean none of us are flawless, right? True, none of us are flawless, and we all have places we don’t vibe our highest; that doesn’t mean you or I am an overall Maliciously Low-Vibing Person. Maliciously Low-vibers are different in that they are so energetically in disarray, and spiritually and mentally clogged up; their overall energy is toxic enough to change another’s inward frequency for the worse; feeding off the higher vibe which is probably what attracted them in the first place. It’s a selfish energy that is incapable of truly loving. Low-Vibers usually manifest by way of: Your gas lighters, your clandestine manipulators, your passive aggressive’s, your blatantly aggressive’s, your abusers, and your control freaks. Pay attention to what they say and do from the beginning; don’t discount what they show you. These are not people you want to exchange powerful intimate energies with… Trust me, I’ve learned this the hard way.

The exchange in sexual &/or intimate situations should be energetically mutually beneficial, even if in different ways. Even if a partner is needing a sexual/intimate healing experience centered around them at certain times; vampiring will not occur…Even if one partner is giving more in particular situations because their partner is in a low place or needing more from them; vampiring will not occur. Maliciously Low-Vibers will become energized from exchanges, and leave the other person in complete disarray, whilst not caring they’ve done so. Maliciously Low-Vibers are not to be confused with normal differences folks have in relationships… You will fight and fall out sometimes with a soul mate even, but its should never be a selfish/vampire type affect on just you. If you are a mostly higher frequency individual, and exchange energy with a Maliciously Low-Viber, you will catch some of their toxicity; which may manifest in you differently that it does in them. It may seemingly have a more severe affect on you than it does them. If not aware that this is a thing, it can start a cycle of miserable that leaves you undone and out of balance long after you finally break free.

So check this out, I have also had a sexual experience with someone that was for healing purposes… It was meant to be, it had to happen… It just wasn’t a long term relationship… It wasn't supposed to be. It had a purpose, a season. The exchange of energy left both of us in a better place holistically, and it was Divine. These complexities in my experiences has taught me so very much about energy, timing, listening, openness, and heeding warnings when they are blatantly waving in my face.

It’s been so long, as I stated at the beginning of this blog, since I have engaged sexually or intimately with someone, simply because I have not met anyone who has been worthy of the experience, and I am ok with that… I am not going crazy in the wait, if that is what you’re wondering.  When the times comes, it comes. I very much want my life partner, I feel that may be up next, but I will be very discerning and pay attention when it manifests… Like I said, I had no idea that there would be such a gap, such an elongated celibacy…I believe that SPIRIT knows why, and I am thankful to see that self mastery in this area is possible. I’m tired of it though, real talk… I’m ready for deep intimacy. I also feel like because this has been what I have had to endure, I am protected in a way—I don’t have a lot temptations coming my way, which helps… Anything less than soul nourishing exchange is not good for me, so I am enough for now. This could change so quickly or maybe not…It just depends on destiny and appointed time; I’ll wait because the wait has been a loyal friend. There are consequences when I haven’t been careful, or didn’t realize I needed to be careful in this way; hence the sparked intention of sacred carefulness unto myself, that I now carry as a beautiful burden to bear…For a while.

Sex & intimacy are powerful forces that can intertwine you with another in ways that benefit both on so many levels. To reiterate, intimacy does not have to include sexual intercourse; but it can be just as powerful. This is kind of random… Ok real random, but I know some like to engage in sexual orgies. No judgement here, but I’m curious… I would be very interested to know if those who engage have found these experiences to be healing or high vibing after the orgasms? What does it feel like emotionally and spiritually after everyone is done? Do you feel good about yourself and experience? Please school me on your experiences below if you feel comfortable. I’m not interested in joining one, but I do wonder if folks honestly feel it’s a beneficial experience after the climax?

If you exchange energy with someone who just takes from you, and replaces what they take with their Maliciously Low-Vibing Energy; imbalance is inevitable. I have found that Maliciously Low-Vibers often become the shot caller in the relationship and feel great, whilst I began to feel heavy, low, depressed. This sort of exchange, believe it or not, has made me want to stay when I know shouldn’t. Even when treated bad, or just not how I should be treated; I didn’t want to let go…Christians call this a “soul tie” which is very accurate—It’s as if subconsciously I wanted to hold on to what I gave away, which is why I felt I couldn’t let it go. Breaking free of this can take a while, and the healing even longer. It was a set back each time I let this happen to myself…There were signs, there was inner leading warnings, but I ignored those and became entangled in unbalanced energy, that I didn’t want to outright leave alone at first.This is my experience at least, and it took me a while to figure out that this is what was actually happening to me. Can anyone relate?

Sex and intimacy is beautiful…It is so much bigger than pleasure and procreation. We are beings who vibe around energy… We are energy. Energy frequency dictates whether we can be balanced to carry on our daily lives, and be in tune to receive what we must do in this life. Think about how job related relationships thrive off the right balance and exchange of energy…If that is easily seen, surely our more intimate exchanges need to be closely monitored by us, for us. If we protect our projects and business ventures from folks we don’t vibe with, why are we so careless with our more powerful intimate exchanges? Something to think about…

In Unashamed Négritude & Revolutionary Love,


Copyright © ORIT 2017

All Rights Reserved