I sighed within myself, but I certainly wasn’t surprised the moment I first started hearing rumblings about a “Million
Woman March” on Washington; following the election of the demon in orange they like to call a Trump. They of course were forced to change the name of this event to the Women’s March, after understandable outcry about white women swooping in to use the symbolic power of historic BLACK demonstrations (E.g. The Million Man & Woman Marches) for their use, whilst never en masse including BLACK Women and girls, or other women and girls of color, in their feminist agendas—Demanding access to the power we create and exude, but not willing to acknowledge that we have it worse than they do; a fact they hate most. They absolutely detest attention being spent on the unique and oppressive issues that we face as BLACK Women which they ignore, minimize, and retort as sacrifices at the alter of the white pussy… Now that her pussy is threatened: she demonstrates, she’s outraged, she’s inconsolable; emotions most like her have never been moved to feel concerning us BLACK Women and girls or other women of color. Yet when the white pussy rises, she demands BLACK & Nbpoc align and fight for what she says is “all of us” but in reality; it’s just her that she is concerned with.
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#NotYourMule |
It is a normal occurrence in feminist circles, to centralize the frailty of white women; as more important than the actual oppression of BLACK People and white women’s role in that oppression. I don’t align with mainstream feminism at all. Instead I align with the warmth of BLACK Woman centered ideology, that builds BLACK community and liberation for ALL our people; innate and nuanced to the Nubian Soul avec ORIGINAL running through our veins: Womanism. Funny thing is, it was white women who elected orange demon… So why are they not checking each other on this?
Y’all know how it is and white folks who are honest will agree: If an issue doesn’t affect white people directly or benefits them in some way, they pretend it doesn’t exist; chiding anyone who dare call them out for not acknowledging the truths others must face daily. But now that the thing they call a Trump has stirred this sea of white women, to finally care enough to organize against the taking of rights that they care about… All the while being deafeningly silent as BLACK People have been perpetually killed by state-sanctioned (through approval of and inaction) police terrorists, the obvious nuanced and all encompassing white supremacy and privilege that hangs over us as BLACK People(s) both here and abroad, and their personal and collective roles in the continuance of white supremacy.
Trump is a hot ass mess, no doubt about it. The mistake is in thinking that a “nasty woman” Hillary would have been better. Though admittedly, Hillary hides her racism so much better than Trump desires. Trump is Amerikkka in the flesh… He is the most honest projection of this stolen lands concealed and blatant tyranny. He is the embodiment of white supremacy…He is Amerikkka. The Amerikkka everyone tries to pretend went away a long time ago, but nah bish' it’s still here as a shape-shifting version of its perpetual self… A land stolen that ironically has the word “united” in its designation. Hillary would have continued the agenda of the empire as she has done for decades as former secretary of state and first lady… HRC’s defaming belittling, beguiling, and burdening of BLACK and Brown communities all over the globe; with her shot calling of death, alienation, and sabotage to name a few—This is not something to ever overlook! Thing is, a Hillary presidency would most assuredly put BLACK People back to sleep, many of whom haven’t awakened from an Obama stupor, but are slightly more alert because of a Trump blatancy… Sad to say. So as BLACK Folk, we stay screwed because we are so intoxicated from our oppression, which doesn’t allow many of us to acknowledge the truth and fight in a way that would truly liberate our people.
Trump: a pedophile, a misogynist, and an all around openly hateful man has threatened the white pussy, and not even he can get away with that without a fight. For the most part, white women are fighting to not be second to white men, and for body autonomy. They could careless about how issues they don’t face affect those said goals, or how the guarantee of attainability for BLACK and other women of color won’t come when it does for them. They want to be equal coconspirators in white supremacy, not abolish it…That is their agenda. They know damn well if they get paid equal with men or shake off the rampant and all encompassing misogyny white men rule by; BLACK Women won’t be faring as well as them because of the racism we face from white men and women… And white women give zero fucks about this inequity, whilst always screaming:“Equality, equality!”
White feminists just want your and my BLACK ass to help them champion for their rights, under a faux solidarity illusion. It has always been thus. Orange demon has been elected, and again I must reiterate ’twas white women who made that happen… And now white women, mostly liberals; they’re enraged because of a Trump presidency... Enraged now, but A-okay with Hillary’s demonizing of Black Folk from Amerikkka to Haiti, and/or the police terrorizing the BLACK community in Amerikkka relentlessly…That’s A-okay to these “pink pussy” hat wearing white women. And admittedly, many BLACK People chose her (HRC) over the cries of those trying to combat white supremacy. I’m not a Bernie fan, by the way… He ain’t all that he seems. However, it must be noted that had HRC & all of those in cahoots with her not stole the primary; Bernie would have easily beat orange demon.
Alas, ‘twas our BLACK Gatekeepers and Olders (not to be confused with elders); they wouldn’t listen to their progeny who have been out fighting the system (with little support mostly because many olders are part of the system) and risking their bodies daily—They chided BLACK youth freedom fighters; choosing HRC over their radical progeny… Very sad indeed. I don’t subscribe to lesser of two evils train of thought, and neither does the Universe. Neither orange demon or nasty woman were good candidates, but honestly until we totally dismantle this system that dictates peoples action and inaction; no one will ever be for us… Especially us BLACK People who literally have made Amerikkka what it is today, through our forced capturing and enslavement—Amerikkka’s “greatness” depends on preventing BLACK People from healing and thriving… If our collective self esteem raises itself to its rightful place; white supremacy will be the serpent whose head will finally be crushed.
Evil europeans forcefully captured our Ancestors, and forced them to build this empire; something europeans were unable to do on their own. They captured the strongest and most intelligent African Peoples that they could; dehumanized and committed genocide upon them, took away their beautiful cultures, and used these beautifully BLACK African Peoples( our Ancestors) they broke down, to build on what was once the land of the Indigenous. Nothing built on sinking sand will last… Nothing gained by ill means will stand. I want my BLACK People to know that our Ancestors built this country, and we can easily tear down its tyranny and erect something better in its place... If only we will unite with one another, and culturally educate and empower ourselves…If only.
Please, do not be confused and stir yourself actively and astutely aware; Oompa Loompa’s are facing much hatred and discrimination right now because of that thing they call a Trump. As many of you know, the Oompa Loompa Peoples have spoken out on several occasions against that vile-carotene projection of universal waste that they call the new president of Amerikkka the always been ugly… He is not in any way descended from or connected to their people. So everyone, please stop being so bigoted against the dear Oompa Loompa’s, especially if you want chocolate to be fairly priced. Dark chocolate is an actual need for some folks like myself, who find its mood stabilizing and enhancing properties to be marrow unto my muthafuckin’ bones🙃
Yeah, I don’t know where that came from… My smart azz satire aside, let’s get down to the happenings of yesterday(1/21/17) and what I observed from the Women’s March(es). First off, I vowed not to attend or participate in any of the global “sister marches” because I have no tolerance at this point for faux solidarity, white tears, and erasure of my and my BLACK sisters complex struggles. I did, however, spend hours watching livestream of the main march in DC, and caught glimpses of other marches being held all over. It was important for me to witness and see what happened and what didn’t…If I was right or wrong to feel as I did before this event had actualized. I feel my preemptive instinct matches the sentiments I felt while watching everything yesterday. Many BLACK Women who actually participated in DC and other places mirror my sentiments, and some don’t. Though some BLACK Women will say it was great, I realize that many innocently do not realize when they are being ridden/used, which is understandable.
P.S. I have put in plenty of work in the past trying to educate white folks who simply want to argue and not acknowledge their shit; I am far removed from that now… Like, I have no patience for the fake inquiry so they can deny and defend white supremacy, and how they aid in its continuance. Anyone who truly wants to learn and do right, will…They will listen, and I am not trying to get anyone to understand or love BLACKNESS… They say understanding builds bridges; but that’s under the assumption that folks want to understand. Many white people do not want to understand because they do not want to change…They just want their comfort. All I care about is my people realizing who we are, healing ourselves, building for ourselves, and transcending… Any non-black person who says they love BLACK People and care about our lives; they will work to eradicate the anti-blackness in their communities… PERIOD!
I was soul-vexed when seeing all the calls to join the Women’s March over the last few weeks….From jump, my inward self squirmed and my side-eye stayed on alert. Why? Because I am oft disturbed watching what stirs people to action and what doesn’t… BLACK Folk could never get the response/solidarity that the Women’s March did, and our actual blood flows in the streets daily. Nowadays, I am more careful about not setting myself up to be in draining situations… Knowing your ass really don’t matter in a situation is traumatic for me and many other BLACK Women. Just because white folks suddenly say: “Come on guys, let’s unite!”— An authentic unification, this does not make.
Happenings about white women not wanting to check their privilege as they started planning this Women’s March, started to surface early on and never stopped. Not at all surprising… We have to revisit this subject perpetually in life, and it has yet to get better… Reports of white women throwing hissy fits that BLACK & other Nbpoc were demanding they address their erasure of our issues; it was causing all sorts of rifts because white women, for the most part were/are only fighting for the parts of them that they feel threatened about because of Trump; dats it… That’s what stirred them to want to march. White Pussy Supremacy at its most potent! Personally, I didn’t get why so many BLACK Women were even allowing their nerves to be rocked, but understood some may need to be there/in the mix to speak truths about white supremacy amongst white feminists.
Evidence of this extreme lack of empathy and inclusion was also in the individual interviews I saw of white women who flocked to DC( I watched online) yesterday…Those pulled from this mostly sea of white women for an interview kept saying the same reasons why they came to protest Trump. Those issues they spoke of were all centered around abortion rights, LGBT rights, immigration,Water Rights…All important, yet not nere' one of these white women in the interviews I saw, expressed that they were scared for how orange demon will affect BLACK People.
And honestly, why should these self proclaimed nasty women who wear pink pussy hats ( yeah, I laughed too) talk about police brutality or systematic oppression in nuance, when they are hugging and high-5ing the police in the crowds for their permit sanctioned Women’s March? Why should liberals talk about police brutality or systematic oppression in nuance, when Obama perpetually exemplified cops lives mean more than BLACK Lives…SELAH—————- SMMFDH! Ugh! That was so nauseating for me to watch, a police brutality survivor… And what about all of the BLACK Women killed by cops? Trump promises to further empower the oinks, as Obama has done with executive orders and blue alert law… So yeah, I know who many of these white women are…They are the same ones that would shout “all lives and/or blue lives matter” from their cars as we mourned the lives of our slain sisters and brothers, and took to the streets to protest… Yeah I know them, and I be damned if I march beside them when their heart is set on only fighting for them under the guise of faux unity and an alienating girl power.
Now, I did see a few white women holding space for BLACK issues with their signs in different places throughout the country, but a sign is just a sign…What more will you do on the daily? During the DC rally, which I watched in full, a few white women did make a slight mention about BLACK oppression…But many of the white speakers talked down on “division” which was code for: “ If y’all BLACK women don’t shut up and fall inline, our white pussies are threatened for damn sake!” Hispanic actress America Ferrara had the same shades about “division” in her speech as well. There were even a few BLACK speakers who were so establishment and nauseating, I see why white feminists get out of pocket so much; especially when BLACK Women give them the okay by watering down our issues.
I will say, their was a slight radical presence there, thank the Ancestors! A few of our BLACK Women did an outstanding job getting on stage and telling the truth for what it was…I especially like when one of the BLACK organizers told the crowd of mostly white, that they now are feeling what BLACK Women have always felt…”Welcome to our world!” That was dope! I was told from folks there that the reason many white women started marching before the rally was over, was not just because they were antsy, but because they didn’t want to hear our truths.There were some BLACK Women in the crowd holding signs calling out white feminists and white supremacy simultaneously, and I was here for it! Mostly I saw white women with their pink “pussy hats” and calling themselves nasty women like they were at some rock concert. References and praises of HRC their lord and savior kept being reiterated on stage and from those attending…This shit was just…No! I realize many BLACK Women are liberals, but not me…I am not tied to this system at all. I advocate it be dismantled. I’m an Ancestralist…I’m listening to the Ancestors, trying to get our people free from tyranny; heeding and tuning into their ever-evolving wisdom and sentiments. I’m more like Harriet… I ain’t got no time for the shits and I am very action-oriented….Fuck the democrats, republicans, the greens and the whole system…It’s guilty as hell and must end. *readjusts my halo*🤣 Don’t forget, do not piss off the Oompa Loompa’s, I need my dark chocolate for reasons…LMAO
So… As I tell folks all the time, solidarity between/with other folks would be so clutch, but I have never seen in history or from my very own experiences; where people are not always trying to silence BLACK struggle or hold on to their anti-Blackness, whilst riding the power of BLACK symbolism. I need that to not be a thing anymore… I cannot in good conscience play this game where I put my/our BLACKNESS to the side, knowing those we join with are not going to swoop back around and have our backs, after they get what they want from our power. And why we gotta come last? Hell nah! We have to start loving ourselves and knowing our worth better than that! I cannot do this shit anymore, and if we are smart, we will stop allowing our issues to be watered down for the sake of a faux solidarity that won’t nourish us.
If anyone went to any of these interconnected marches yesterday in order to represent unapologetic BLACKNESS, your presence was important so that these white women don’t get comfortable… But if you went as a BLACK Woman to join other women in a unity that doesn’t really include all of your most pressing issues, past the generic half acknowledgments that won’t be included/considered after the fact… By the 100's of groups/orgs that swooped on the mall yesterday… I ask you my dear sister, please contemplate deeply and know that you are worthy to be more than an afterthought, that you are worthy to be more than a mule for the rights of those you keep carrying but don’t ever carry you. Ask yourself why, and if this is best for you and our people.
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