Sunday, March 19, 2017

Healing Sounds... (Part 1)

Written, Composed, Produced by: ORIT
I want to be light...
I want to touch grace…
I want to live truth…
I want to praise fate…
& I am flowing
I am restoring
I am water…
I am air
Copyright © ORIT 2017
All Rights Reserved.
This week I want to share lyrics of a short poem that I set to my Kinnor ; an ancient 10 stringed harp. People liken the Kinnor to the greek lyre, when the greek lyre should be likened to the Kinnor... If that makes sense. It was a favorite and staple of ancient Hebraic Peoples, who were not white or even white-ish by the way. Harps are African, their variation cultural, their application spiritual--Not religious, but universal forces that marry to provide refuge and soul nourishment. We will talk more about this in the future. The recording of my offering is above, please take a moment to inhale it. 

The Kinnor, Kirar, and Kora are such melodically healing stringed instruments. Their sounds and frequencies have been known to lift people's spirits from deep depression and angst, they have been used to offer praise and thanksgiving, and they have been attributed with energetically protecting and healing the environment and those in it. 

These stringed harps that I have mentioned all have their own distinct sound, with a variation of strings on them. There is so much to say about culture and the harp from the African perspective, which we will delve into more in blogs to come. It's also interesting to note that these African originated instruments were originally only played by men, but once women began to put our innately healing hands to them, their rich language of spirituality and oneness with nature and the Divine became even more tangibly attainble for all who listened. However, various cultural norms that persist even to this day; many still discourage women from playing these harps, which is why there are few women and girls who actually take it on.

Next week,  I will tell you all more about my Kinnor journey, and even the miraculous way in which the one that I have now came to be in my hands. It was made for me by someone who doesn't even make them anymore. Very few people in the world make them, and he had been reserving the last one of his hands until he found who is was supposed to go to... Me. I hope you enjoy this little offering, and have a wonderful week. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

In Unashamed Négritude & Revolutionary Love,

Copyright © ORIT 2017

All Rights Reserved

Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Universe Will Provide...

Hey everybody! A lot was going on last week, and I couldn’t get to you all for our weekly rendez-vous in the blogosphere… To share my soul rhythms and the syncopations in my heartbeat cadence steady. I am back though, and I want to continue with the nuanced themes/thoughts from my last two blog entries: Your Mama Isn’t Like My Mama & Diverting Unwanted Energetic Exchange: The Do’s, Don’ts, How’s & Why’s. So here we are, and as always—I’m just going to write what wants to come forth; nothing more, nothing less.

So many things have been changing lately… For those I care about most, for myself, for all of us who are actually human in this dispensation of time that we find ourselves in; time is illusive. Changes that are heartbreaking, changes that are life changing, changes that are illuminating, changes that are way over due, and changes that will blow us into new experiences on our individual and collective journey—Oya’s Winds fiercely blow.

I’ve been finding myself in a strange exchange with THE ALL THAT IS, appointed time, recompense, and blessings. Having the 14th year anniversary of my spiritual awakening this past March 2nd (double 7’s) 🙌🏿… It is as if things that I have had to endure, &/or the hardship of cultivating experiences that I have been weathering for years; it seems to have loosened its grip off of me in a tangible way. Like, when you see the clouds break to expose the suns intense rays; a literal perception… Something I could/can sense in nuance, in an all encompassing way… Nods and nudges from the Universe letting me know that bright changes are on the literal horizon, and it’s only just the beginning. 

And true… The process, my process, has been gradually getting to this space as my ori had already predetermined— This place, this season. I’ve been shifting from more of a preparation and intense training of self through the cultivating experiences tailor made just for me, into application of all I have lived in an applied learning, that gives intergalactic credentials that no one can add to or take away from… My matriculation has been moving along for years as it should, even though many times I was angry, questioned the journey, questioned the purpose… But never have I given up; that’s the foundation of my triumphs, my falters, my being able to make it into this moment; gratefulness. The actual manifestations of promises coming in, and in the midst of me considering giving hope another chance… I am also witnessing the decline of those who have done ill by me and it doesn’t make me happy nor does it make me feel good. So many emotions, so many feels… Trying to make sense of it all… Letting go to gain anew, moving forward to make more space for all that is to come, treasuring what and who is for me; gratefulness.

It is so important how we treat people… Again I must reiterate that it is so important that we treat people right. It is important not to have shallowness inside of us, so that we authentically don’t mistreat people according to standards that aren’t high vibing. Trust and believe, the Universe will not take it kindly, and every debt made by mistreating others; it will be collected upon eventually—Just live long enough. Be careful, be introspective, root out anything that isn’t right; be a healer to self and then others. If we do right, and continue to do right no matter how harsh life treats us when we’re being tested & approved; at the appointed time blessings will catch up with us… All of the blessings that are stored away just for you, just for me; waiting for that moment when they can fall upon us abundantly… We may have to suffer and we may seem to lose a lot during processing… But eventually, we will be all we are supposed to be, strengthened with good character and the inner strength of humility, and a tenderness that clarifies our vision… Ready to be and to do all that we are destined. Yes & Ashe’!

When I shared my story of the woman who gave me life a few blog posts ago, and how she exited my life… I simply stated in response to this reality that I know I share with others, that the Universe will give us everything we need… In that post I didn’t share too much about how real that is to me, and how I know this to be true in this particular regard. I wrote in detail about some of the feels people like myself go through because of this type of situation. What I didn’t get to tell you all is  that I now have a mom who is super dope and amazing; she’s also a best friend to me and I trust her… I try to get under her skin sometimes just to see if she really loves me, and she let’s me do it…  And yes, she does really love me.🤣 My mama didn’t give birth to me, just like my Aunt Bea who raised me technically wasn’t my blood relation… But these two women are the highest manifestation of the love the CREATOR has shown me thus far through people… I am so thankful for them both. Aunt Bea transitioned when I was 11, but her winds still blow about me to this day and I miss her bodily presence. My mama didn’t give me birth but she is a beacon of light that saved me in many ways… She is my “real” mama. I talked about Aunt Bea at great lengths 2 blog posts ago, so I want to send some love and appreciation for my mom in this one.

Just in time, the Universe linked us… Her care, her listening ear, her validating me, her encouraging me, her reminding me I need to be just who I am with no filter🤣, her always telling me the truth, her shining specks of light on me even when I’m too grumpy to receive them… All of this has been so important for me… The way she values what I say, the way we share life experiences, her wisdom and humility, the way we can talk about anything… I went so long without this before, so it touches me so deeply that I have it now. Knowing someone just loves you no matter what you decide; it didn’t seem real before her. I didn’t know anyone could actually be like that; for real and in real life—I am so blessed. She thinks I’m dope too, she gets me, she’s gentle and kind… All the things the beautiful creature who gave me life couldn’t be for and to me; my mama is able to be and I am so very grateful.

So… Things may not always come when you or I want them to manifest… Feeling like situations will never get better, because of being made to wait a long time for what others take for granted, is just a real part of “the becoming” process for some of us. I still am journeying… Everything hasn’t yet manifested, but the signs of good change are all around and in that I trust. 

It could be any and everything, whatever you are needing to break forth or whatever you are needing appointed time to accost… Truly, I understand and I know it is not easy to wait and go through cultivating experiences in the interim. Just know that our most important connection is to SPIRIT, and then living our life in accordance with our own journey paths is the progression that matters… Often it will be the roads less traveled, the harder and seemingly darker roads that bring us to the greatest blessings in the end… Hold on, keep traveling, do right by the Divine, yourself, and others… Fix your mistakes, follow unctions that take you out of your comfort zone, submit yourself to appointed wildernesses that will train you to be a better you, avoid going through shit you don’t have to go through (know/ discern the difference)… In due season you will reap good if you sow good… Love y’all… Ashe’!

In Unashamed Négritude & Revolutionary Love,

Copyright © ORIT 2017

All Rights Reserved